Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

report him for spam/trolling and move on.

the irony is hilarious

dont care
ban gdkps

Why? Is your bloodline weak? Narcing to the feds is never okay. Plus it’s great content. Don’t tell me the best perk of these forums isn’t watching two man children go at it .

they are eating their own now

dont care
ban gdkps

Man should have standards. Reporting or blocking is to admit no fire in your soul.

the irony. my sides.

dont care
ban gdkps

Yes. It’s why I’ve been here much longer and will be here far after you. I will miss the fire on the forums in later phases though. Tourists never stay for long and they’re the most fun to argue with. A shame.

i know, youve been shilling gdkps here since 19’ brother

dont care
ban gdkps

What is GDKP??

gold dragon king points
again the irony.

dont care
ban gdkps

You can report GDKPs for advertising in chat. It’s a report option.

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This is true nevertheless
Every. Bit. As. Valid.

(I fear you’re not picking up on the satire so I’ll spell it out for you GDKPs are as viable as any other loot syste. Better than most, infact, because everybody wins . Unless your little misinformation campaign is a round-about away to call for a switch to retail loot, you need to realize blizzard left it up to the players to decide how to handle loot.)

Just curious how would you even ban GDKPs anyway?

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not against tos, again, why its been a complaint on the forums for 5 years

dont care
ban gdkps

You can report them. Blizzard is looking into their characters and banning them for other related things.

Like botting or gold selling.

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loves gdkps so they can implement the wow token

dont care
ban gdkps

Report them and they will get banned.

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wow, im shocked

dont care
ban gdkps

Even if they ban GDKPs you will still have to report people to get them banned.

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no wonder

dont care
ban gdkps

Because GDKP’s are actually the most fair loot system for PUG’s. As someone who has been in high end guilds that required PUG’s the ammount of sketchy stuff that went on was waaaay worse then GDKP’s. Anytime a big ticket item would drop in a MS>OS situation, EVERY guildy would roll on a item and then trade internally. Also don’t be so nieve that in MS>OS situations that there is back door gold trading for items aswell.

GDKP’s is a fantastic loot system that rewards ALL players involved, this includes carries that don’t need anything, players that need loot but didnt get anything and allows you to cover costs for consumables which Vanilla is super heavy on.

The main issue here is that World of Warcraft was designed to be a community driven game, people are supposed to be doing raiding with guilds, not PUG’s.