Why are you against PvP-PvE transfers

I would say that with the difficulty of leveling/questing/etc. that currently exists on some of the PVP servers, the community has a strong catalyst to become much better.

Grouping up is important. Rallying people to build teams, to contribute to community activities, like escorting parties and raid teams, and overcoming obstacles in the game (as a community) are things that we have more of a chance to face in Classic than Retail, esp. without layering, and even more especially without cross realm grouping.

Correct. Even unhappy people still play wow, they just eventually figure out a way to make themselves happy (happier at least)

These same players won’t be happy with the next thing that comes along. Should we cater to them all along and eventually end up with retail? If they allowed transfers already, then the once balanced pvp servers (yes, they do exist) would also be imbalanced and people would just blame Blizzard for it.

This guy isn’t going to understand our side of the story. He just shills his own point day in and day out. Every time I see a thread like this it’s this guy.

I’ve told you why, it would cause way more people to transfer off, entire guilds. Whereas that one person who will quit probably would have quit anyway.

Flamelash wouldn’t have died if transfers weren’t an option, you can apply what happened there to our conversation days before it happened.

Stop making these threads, I don’t know if you noticed but an hour after my thread stating “if paid transfers came in” thread, they updated their policy to clarify “If you don’t like your realm, reroll”.

Blizzard has spoken, and it’s not gatekeeping and everything to do with the fact that more servers like flamelash will be created with paid transfers.

Dude, BGs are out tomorrow… can you hold off on shilling your paid transfer agenda until tomorrow?

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Uh, yes. Most people would rather stay and cry than spend weeks leveling to 60 again and getting the same gear. I had a friend who was level 21 and didn’t want to reroll on a new server to play with friends because “level 21 took too long as is”.

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Well yeah, sure. The potential to be a better community is there once the game settles, but right now the game is very volatile. Though it is settling. Im definitely feeling stronger ties than I felt last time I played retail thats for sure.

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Because the people who want to server transfer are probably going to quit the game in time if they dont.
Sure some people are fine with rerolling but most people will just quit > spending another 18+ days of their life leveling a new char to 60, gearing them up, farming their professions again, and farming gold for mount.
Seriously be realistic dude


And, when I hover over your avatar and see Stalagg, my first thought is, “Respect to you, Alliance of Stalagg.”

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I am being realistic which is why I said for the very imbalanced servers (a few of them) they should add transfers. For the more balanced ones (the majority) they should not allow it.

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If that’s the concern, just do what normal companies do and temper demand by increasing cost. Make it a $50 transfer and I promise you many people on the fence will not leave. Make it $75 for all I care, I would still pay it.


That’s the nail of the coffin. And even more, people that aren’t that unhappy with the server can just xfer because they will fear end on a death faction, leading even more to that point.

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Not to mention dumb irrelevant things can trigger the entire death of a server.

One guild could leave, causing another guild to leave, and now the word is out that the server is “dying” because two guilds of 40 people left and causes a chain, now that chain is accessible due to paid transfers so the downward spiral can commence.

That’s literally exactly what happened to Flamelash, yet people like OP completely ignore it and CONTINUE to make these threads.

This dude never learns.


Yep. Not sure why some people can’t see this.

I call that ‘sunken cost weirdness’ my time. It’s the one thing I can’t make more of, and thus, is my most precious commodity. (insert yet here you sit on these awful forums jab)

I like WoW for many reasons, one of them being that my time invested actually matters. I could spend all day playing a game like Rust and the second I log out, everything I’ve built is destroyed…my sunken time matters in WoW, and I don’t want to put the clock back to zero.

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i was trying to explain to them why people want transfers. you know that i am in full support of you guys getting pve transfers and i’d prefer them to be free. but some people don’t mind rerolling. so to us it seems different than it does to you. which is why i brought it up to them in the first place.

I’m in full support of the big servers with like 30/70 20/80 getting their transfers… those servers are already dead anyway. What I’m not in support of is every single realm getting them.

All fair points. But that’s how you feel. Other’s clearly don’t feel the same way. They don’t care about server pride or any of that, they just wanna come home from work and play an hour or two of WoW. All I’m saying is, let them do that where they’re most comfortable.

It’s not up to me to let them or not. And, as far as I know, they are already able to do so.

Also, that’s not what you’re saying. You’re saying let them transfer now, without a thought or care to what that would mean to destination servers, or community of those servers. Give them what they want, because they made a mistake and they should be rewarded with an easy change, because they don’t care.

Totally agree with this.

Again, only allow it on the very imbalanced ones 100%. Not all of them.

if they opened a couple new pve servers to let them transfer to would you guys be less ZOMG MUH FACTION BALANCE?