Part of it is mechanically. For most of WoWs history the mechanics of the game discouraged playing both factions. After a person has leveled their first character and go to make an alt there have been advantages to making one of the same faction. These range from sharing gold and items to playing with the friends you already made on your first character. Even professions encouraged the same faction. You make alts of different professions and want to share crafting mats, crafted items, etc. That used to only work in the same faction.
A lot of that has changed recently, But only very recently. Warbank, cross faction groups and guilds all mitigate the disadvantages of rolling the other faction. But those only just became a thing. There is a lot of momentum from the past.
So, people often only experienced one side of the story.
But, the larger thing is Blizzard encouraged faction identity. Over the years Blizzard has actively encouraged people to see themselves as a ‘Horde player’ or an ‘Alliance player.’ You would see it in announcements and at Blizzcon. Think of all the times you have seen them get up on a stage and ask the audience to shout for their faction. This even got toxic during the years around Cata and MoP. Players are encouraged to make the faction their identity. And that discourages interest in playing the other side.
And unfortunately, humans are VERY tribal. So, many players picked their faction and decided anyone of the other faction was the enemy. They can’t play the other faction because the other faction is the enemy.
That tribal nature makes some players excuse more severe crimes from their faction and want to crucify the other faction characters for lesser crime. Example: You will see Horde players say Garrosh or Sylvanas did nothing wrong when destroying cities, and were completely justified. While raging the Jaina is the worst criminal ever for Dalaran.
That tribal nature will also make people blame the other faction players for things their faction did it game. Example: You will see some Alliance players blaming Horde players for the burning of Teldrassil.
Those are just a couple examples. But, the Horde vs Alliance tribalism is the root of most of the people who always think of only their faction PoV.
Night Elves joining the Alliance had the same effect to me.
Dont really get what you mean here, i mean, when did we see the draenei being used last time? I dont see much differences with draenei than with zandalari in the example you give.
And i just dont buy what you say about the “the story evolve on loses” its just such shortsighted view.
Thats not true at all, there is many stories when other characters get dumbed down.
You just feel the need to complain just because of some ego i think, because you dont see it as a neutral story, you feel the constant need of putting “your faction” into care.
Well, i think thats shortsighted view, because the story is not written like this, and people should stop thinking that way because, well a story is not a constant 1 to 1 between factions. It even harm the story to do that. Story goes where it goes.
I played war3, and i never thought like “ho i hope that when i play scourge faction they kill as many heroes as the humans did in their own campaign”
Well, its like if i said i am a fan of i dont know, i like the empire in swtor and i would be mad everytime that a republic would kill an important character that the empire dont.
Or that i would be fan of a character and be mad everytime said character is not the one who wins the day.
Regardless of your intent, there have been times where you come off as deciding on what a real Horde fan desires.
Both factions have fans that want different things from their faction. You have Horde fans that want the War2 Horde, Horde fans that want the War3 Horde, Horde fans that want a balance between the two, Alliance fans who want the Alliance to always be the Good Guy, Alliance fans who want the Alliance to be darker and edgier, etc…
I made peace with it honestly. Alliance can be the Heroes and have all that screen time if Blizz wants, but the Horde will be there when it’s time to save the World at ANY cost. The Horde had to kill their own ex-leaders and condemned them, we even have one doing community service at the demands for Justice those we wronged, so as a fan of the Horde and Champion of Azeroth I feel we can do and take on anything or make hard decision no matter how dark or terrible, their whole history of mess up has prepare us for it.
I adopted the Invincible season 3 theme with all my Dark them Class characters both Alliance and Horde: “You can be the Hero or you can Save the World, you can’t be both”
Of course this is fantasy and we can get away with doing both… but for some reason that Season moral conflict in that Dark theme modern world story atmosphere really resonated with my own characters dark Class options in Alliance Side and specially with the Horde. (Except my Dracthyr…his mainly Alliance because Wrathion always been my fav Dragon and he seems to be close friends with the Anduin and I love the story of Onyxia too, so I guess I can play the Hero with him, still not sure what theme to give my Evoker yet.)
Honor needs not to be name like mention by the Ash’abah in ESO.
I’ll be there to take out Gallywix if that is what it take to save Azeroth in this new story quest line.
As Thrall replaced Doomhammer, like Doomhammer liked Blackhand, and you’ve gone on record as valuing Doomhammer…. I can only assume that means you do value those you call replacements.
Though in all seriousness, this is an example of two Horde fans do have different views on Horde characters. Sometimes they can overlap as seen with the both of us being fans of Orgrim Doomhammer, while us having different opinions on the likes of Thrall and Gazlowe.
Gallywix is the last straw really. IDK if I can have fun with the game when ever leader I used to care about is gone why the alliance remaisn unharmed as usual.