Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

There’s no evidence he’s based on Kotick. Btw, Kotick, just said the he hates the Warcraft movie.

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I will never change because the issues I talk about are still relevant and the same as in Bfa.

You do you, man. Like, while I’ll say I hardly ever agree with your takes, they are always a source of entertainment which I do appreciate.

You see even in a Goblin story the Main Focus is somehow alliance. Bfa repeat

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I’ve made topics myself about why I considered TWW to be heavily Alliance-themed and branded. So much so that I mained an Alliance character for the first patch of TWW, specifically because I felt like it made more sense to play an Alliance character than Horde in the theme and setting. As in, at least in that context, I sort of agree with you.

That said, playing my pigtailed Gobbie for TWW because racecar that we had in the Goblin starting zone. And, well, if I’m being honest, I actually love Goblins (Probably second favorite race after Blood Elves.)


They will do the same thing in Midnight so resubbing is pointless.

What are you smoking?

Gallywix is being ended by Goblins. In a Goblin patch. With Goblin themes. With Goblin factions. The Alliance has nothing to do with it.

Even more, the people most excited to end him: Goblin players.

Going to correct you on this. The first patch of TWW was pretty tied to the Alliance. The second patch is VERY distinctly not. And we have zero idea about the third.

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I use my two eyes the proper way unlike you.

Since I’ve gotten older, it’s become less of an issue with me when it comes to the Factions because I have a raid team that I consider to be really near and dear friends, and that keeps be resubbing, regardless, because I like raiding with them.

You’re right, what you said was actually what I had intended to convey. As in, I played Alliance for the first major patch, but I’m playing a Goblin in the second major patch.

Further Edit: I will be playing a Blood Elf for the majority of Midnight.

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Now THIS i actually think that, factions pride is kind of a childish thing, as you grow up you think story is more important than faction pride and having your Horde character or your “alliance expac”

By the way, i see people complain about TWW being Alliance focused, and i always find funny that people are like that for example with the key art on the loading screen of Khaz Algar “ho look there is thrall in the corner”

And when i see that…i look at WoD loading screen key art and…i laugh, because, i feel like, Horde players or peoples who complain would not even complain about WoD being so orc focused.

We all know it will be for Alleria and Umbric. I have no Motivation taking quests from people who tried to kill me.

The proper was is not closing them and imagining things.

I can see the value in doing it that way. It would make you feel like your character is more connected.

Makes sense to me.

It is funny how silly people can look when they are so focused at playing a victim they don’t really think things through.

Alliance leaders are everywhere and the Horde is nowhere to be seen.

It’s a nuanced issue, but in my opinion, it sort of boils down to the fact that the Horde is kind of left in a weird limbo place, internally. And not just that, but in a level that for me, it feels like the Horde’s story just got left in a messy place where you’re like, “Hey, all of this sort of takes me out of the fantasy.” They didn’t finish the story to a good enough place to the level that I feel like it breaks my immersion, and you definitely don’t feel that as much Alliance side.

Man, I don’t know what to tell you other than suggesting you unsub if it’s really getting to you, on that level.

Alleria send Umbric after us in Bfa. They are my enemy.

I think thats a cool way to do it, i also did that, leveled my first goblin wharacter and even did the heritage armor just to prepare for that patch!

Yea, i am a person who always try to question my own opinions and i always try to be logical with my thoughts, and so, well, i am like TWW at least have an horde character…WoD did not even do that.

Its not for no reasons that the term “Horde bias” was used so many times during Cata MoP and WoD so now when i see the lil Horde players getting angry because Horde is FOR ONCE a bit less on the spotlight, i just find it dishonest and ridiculous.

Even the writing team (Metzen himself) did admit back in MoP that they had more fun writing Horde characters than Alliance.

It does remind me a video, i dont find it anymore, i saw it back in MoP, but it was like, you saw horde and alliance pov : Horde you had Garrosh doing stuff blowing up vale etc, Alliance side…just locust noises…

Yeah, and i think its how its the best, to make you feel like part of the story overall. Take part in it etc…

I will play an orc…or a troll, just to troll around and say like “Oh yeah i remember when i bruned that house down with my red dragon during the second war” :rofl:


More fun making them evil and then killing them yes.

Well, they just found them more fun because more evil yeah, while they found alliance boring.

and the alliance leaders are alive and are once more the sole focus of attention for Blizzard in TWW.

Yep. 100%. Blizzard, your Faction bias is clearly showing now that we’re going to the green Gnome capital. Learning how to drive our green Gnome cars, dealing with the green Gnome cartels and experiencing a major green Gnome raid.

…Wait, suddenly I realize I’m foruming wrong.

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