Why are we so weak?

So, I just started playing this character again after a very long break. I’m at the beginning of Bastion, where you have to rescue Pelagos and can’t even make it fully into the first room.

Havoc, used blur, stuns, aura, eye and blade fury but they still overwhelmed me every time.

Am I doing something wrong? Or are we just that weak?

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Demonic Appetite in the first talent row is awesome for under geared leveling. The healing is really insane, you just have to remember to pick up your purple orbs. And that’s really what it boils down to, your just weak right now because you’re under geared and not level 60 yet. Demon Hunter feels pretty good at max level with decent gear.

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You’re undergeared wearing heirlooms that aren’t fully upgraded. The first quest rewards are ilvl 90+ if I recall correctly, and most of your gear is below ilvl 60. Go veng until you have a number of quest reward gear, or upgrade your heirlooms.

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@Bruenor: I would, but I only have 1800g. You may laugh.

@Starlord: Many thanks! Just swapping that one talent made a lot of difference.

I felt like this too at the start of SL. Demon Hunter got huge sweeping nerfs coming into SL. Not sure how DH is in raid or anything, but pvp its bottom tier mele. You can feel it for sure even killing mobs during leveling. Hope DH gets some nice buffs soon. It’ll get a little better with gear, but the difference between DH and other classes is noticeable.


Thanks all! Once I changed that talent, and muddled through enough to replace my heirlooms, all was good. Now level 54.

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Too bad honest, there were a lot of times I had to go Veng while on the road to lv60 and good gear. I remember there was a quest where they toss you in the Maw to kill some elite - it’s going to crush you on Havoc.

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My spouse plays a healer. If we still can’t beat it, we’ll grab our son-in-law, who plays a tank. ^^ I’m level 58 now, and so far, the only problem I had was crossing over from BFA to SL, due to some brain farts. For whatever reason, I had no idea my heirlooms weren’t fully upgraded. In addition, a single talent swap made a lot of difference. I usually play ret paladins or BM hunters, where I could basically stand in one place (save for getting out of the fire) so this was a HUGE change for me. But, I’m really digging the in-your-face playstyle. When I first rolled this character, back in Legion, I found it very confusing. But now that I’ve had a chance to get used to all the abilities, it’s really fun. The only thing that I think could use some work is the range on Rush. When it procs, I tend to use it, unless it would pull in more mobs, or run me off a cliff. But more often than not, I pull something anyway, or headbutt a tree. lol

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Consider Fel Eruption on the level 45 row for the extra stun. Yes you’ll need Fury to stun, but it’s still worth it; Fury comes pretty easily.

Also don’t forget about Imprison- it’s more that just a CC for when you pull too many mobs; you can use it as a ‘ghetto interrupt’ if you need a disruption pronto.

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