Why are we sharded with hispanic realms for Nazjatar?

I just don’t get it. Nazjatar is already a miserable enough zone as it is. Perhaps it could have been less miserable if you had lots of other people to talk and coordinate tasks with, but I see almost nothing but hispanic players and mostly just farmers at that.

I am not from NA or even a native English speaker, but I chose to play on US WoW to avoid precisely this kind of situation. I really, really hope this is not repeated in Shadowlands.


They’re speaking Portuguese I’m pretty sure so most likely Brazil. I sat in Naz for 30 minutes running the stuff they were saying through Google Translate. They were mostly just whinging about stuff.

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I’ve asked myself the same question for years. It’s a good thing Spanish was my first language so I can understand it, but it must be bothersome for others.

Oh no you had to play with hispanic players? You poor thing.


Y’all are idiots.


Agreed. Nerf DH

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Playing with my own kind sucks. :upside_down_face:


jajajajaja huehuehuehu :poop:

The language barrier can stink at times. :frowning: Especially in a LFR, trying to explain the mechanics through Google translate.

But it is what it is.

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#1 l2 speak other languages you uncultured peasants.

#2. Some are Brazilian a lot speak Spanish. I can’t have a single day without someone asking “quién farmea?” in nazjatar. (translation: who’s farming)

I was equally puzzled why ED gets shared with them…

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We arent sharded with them naturally I don’t think, but they join people through LFG, or maybe even friends bringing them over.

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They are gold farmers that sit in nazjatar all day farming herbs. They are on every server and If you fly around you’ll see a swarm of Druids all picking herbs with a toon riding on their back. My guess is someone is paying them to farm zin’anthid to sell gold, and they probably hire people from poor Latin american countries so they don’t have to pay them much.

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Ok I’m actually curious as to how would this work… Because you’d expect them to do this all silent if RM transactions were happening… Instead they literally LFG for farming groups in General. I think its just normal people farming gold since the timer on gathering actually makes such groups the “optimal” way to go about it…

The uhmm every server comment though gave me an idea… could it be the Battle of Nazjatar balancing system?

what you got a problem with hispanic realms or somethin?

No the only way to get to another servers nazjatar is to be invited by a player that is naturally on that phase.

i don’t think it’s normal players because they are on every WM on phase, they all speak spanish (despite being from non-latin american servers) and there are a swarm of them all farming herbs 24/7.

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Vato you wont believe what I SAAAW.

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I’m not against playing with people from other backgrounds. but when there’s no way to communicate between those two groups it kind of breaks down the concept of an MMO.

at least back in the day on final fantasy 11 when English speakers and Japanese speakers had to play together there was an auto translator that had a bunch of preset common phrases and words.

Im like is this troll bait? I mean it’s APPARENTLY dumb but then there’s nothing trying to draw you in it’s just the one dumb thing.

And then I read

He’s a European. That’s where that subtle aura of silliness is coming from. Like Mucully Culkin in Home Alone when he gets mad that nobody takes him seriously?

Europeans being political or whatever is literally like… idk the first time you ever watched a Monty Python sketch theyre just so silly it is adorable.

Why do you hate the hispanic people OP aint yall got Spain in Europe go ask a Spanish friend to play with you and translate. Ima tell Spain you been talking smack.

Oh and are you German? This feels like German gamer whining.