Why are undead still only human undead?

Players been asking this since vanilla. What if I want to play a gnome undead? Undead are undead. Sylvannis wasn’t even human before Arthas. Unless, I’m missing something here…?


Undead Tauren, please.


I’ve always wondered this too. I have no interest in playing an Undead but it is weird that it is only humans. I suppose it just comes to resources/ease. It’s easier to make armor for one model than it is for different size and shapes in the same race. I think it’s also why Blizz never really went with body sliders or customization. Just easier to make armor for one specific body per race.

Could be wrong, just my guess.

Lore. Supposedly only two liches in history or whatever were ever powerful enough to raise anything other than human which was the lich king and some other dude I think. That’s what I’ve heard anyway.

But now they opened pandora’s box because the roadkill queen is all godmode now apparently and she can raise races other than human. Since its in favor of the horde, I’m sure there will be endless possibilities in the future.


The majority of the scourge were raised from the corpses of Lordaeron, a human nation. Sylvanas didn’t have her body when she was first raised as scourge, hence her title of banshee queen, as she was the first of this “breed”. What’s known as the forsaken are members of the scourge who started to regain independence when arthas’ power began to wane because the Lich king’s power was dying as well, until Arthas got to icecrown and put on the helmet that held the lich king within, merging their powers and restoring their hold on any scourge who hadn’t regained enough sentience to leave, as well as future scourge.


Because the Forsaken was originally the Human kingdom of Lordaeron. Most people that didn’t flee to Stormwind became undead. Maybe as an allied race we might see other Forsaken.

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Haha agreed. You would think half the forsaken would be elves. I’d be down for that as well as night elf worgen

The great-great majority of the Scourge are going to be Human, High Elves, and abominations / creations. They never really went beyond that region except the Battle for Mt Hyjal, which they lost so there was little to no raising. Probably some Dwarves and Gnomes mixed in, but honestly Gnomes aren’t much without their intelligence so they would be creepy but impractical zombies.

Then whatever corpses made it through the campaign to destroy Arthas, again probably not many.

Because in order to represent every race, Blizzard would be forced to give the Horde every single race in the game, just as “undead”

As if the alliance doesn’t have faction population issues enough, imagine being able to play every single race on the horde?

No thanks

Edit: Wow, with those kind of necro skills you might be able to make this happen… Geez :flushed:

EDIT: cool topic but that OP date that I failed to notice.

Because there is a difference between the Forsaken and the Undead.

The forsaken while they are technically Undead have free will, they were the fallen of Lorderon (mostly because they were so numerous, but there were a few high elves potentially).

Sylvanas freed some of the Undead that she encountered when she her self was freed when the litch kings power weakened.

Sylvanas harnessed her fury and tore herself free from his skeletal grasp. She freed many other Undead.


Naturally like all “Lore” in this game, its subject to change at a whim, just like the “Lore” changed between WC2 and WC3, IMO for the worse.

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I was thinking we should have a lot of toasty Night Elves to choose from.

With SL on our doorstep, theoretically, its time to end Forsaken prejudice. Let the other races be undead too… except the pandas… I can’t stand pandas.

Because Blizzard is lazy

Edit: oh, wow! I didn’t notice this thread’s date!

2 years necro… really?

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Would you prefer a new post with the same info?

Better than necroing a 2 YEARS old thread

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Necroing a post is quite apropos when discussing undead.

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Blizz asks that new posts be made, because ages old comments can be out of date. They even close old threads that are necro’ed.

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Yes, and according to the TOS general chat is supposed to be family friendly… so i’m not really sure what your point is.

Nothing of what you said has anything to do with what I said. A moderator specifically posted in a necro’ed thread that they locked about a week ago exactly what I’m telling you. Which is why they prefer people make a new thread.

You’re the one who doesn’t seem to have a point…

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