Why are tokens so low right now?


Join us in reality.

Here are the prices with low and then high, for the last 30 days.


The US high is lower than the low for any of the other groups.
I’m not sure why that is.

People are trying to buy legendaries with wow tokens so the more people that buy tokens, the more diluted the token price gets. It can really go both ways

The demand for Gold Token (buying token with gold) is low, Blizzard need to put out a new store mount to balance it out.

Or 10. pre-orders.

The supply of Money Token (buying token to sell on AH) is high because of the legendary.

You should see the prices in a low populated server, it’s even more crazy.

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That’s part of the demand propping tokens sales up. One aspect.

But what I am arguing from deeper in the thread is killing boosting has really lessened the demand.

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I agree with the boosting, killed the demand for gold. It was a main reason people needed millions of gold. In a “pay 2 win” spirit, now they don’t have as much access to carry as before.

Players who need Gold to buy Lego’s will grab a Token to sell on the AH. That means more Supply of Tokens for the same Demand which makes Token costs drop.

The number of players looking to buy their sub or other Blizz services with Tokens instead of Cash doesn’t really change. The variable is from players paying for Tokens with cash.


I know that’s what you want to believe, but it’s not borne out by…anything.

They banned boosting communities at the end of January. The token price didn’t start to come down until the week after the patch came out…conveniently right when everyone was starting to get ready for the raid. The price didn’t start to tank completely until this week…conveniently when the new expensive legendaries became available.


I don’t want to admit you might be right after having a rethink.
Or I might need more coffee or sleep.


Boosting died so players simply aren’t buying them anymore. Give it some more.timenand prices on the AH will drop soon enough given gold will start drying up for players.

They have been dropping about 10k a month for last few months it always drop near end of expac. Great for me cause i use for game time, so run some dailies with alts randomly and i can make 160k easy so lower the better less wq i have to do. Its also great cause as game winds down i have less interest play so less interest to pay real money unlike beginning of expacs ill buy the 6 month sub.

That glorious feeling when players will need to start grinding and earning gold like the rest of us.

Welcome, brothers and sisters. It’s a good feeling to go out into the world, mine and gather materials and sell them for profit to other players. You’ll soon find the pleasure in getting your hands dirty as you work for a living.

It’s a pure supply and demand model. The price has gone down because the supply exceeds the demand.

if your paying to win why are you worried about the token price just buy more.

this is really the only thing controlling the price

when less people are buying, bliz ups the value to make the purchase more attractive

selling gold costs bliz zero dollars, cash shop revenue for zero dev time. It is what they are using to make up for lost subs and lost retention levels.

which in turn motivates bliz to make longer more tedious grinds to encourage gold shortcuts, and reduces the fun in the game tremendously for most players

there is no free market in wow’s cash shop gold, that’s a popular myth


System working as intended folks

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Generally how it goes is when there’s an uptick in activity (expansion launch, big patch) you’ll see tokens dip as people come back and want some gold to buy the latest stuff. As the patch drags on the price increased as these people leave and there’s a higher concentration of people who use their gold to pay for game time.

Blizzard doesn’t set the price, players do. It can just only be moved so quickly, and there are limits on purchases to prevent massive manipulations.

When a lot of people are flooding the market with tokens the prices go down.

When there are less people putting tokens on AH the prices go up.

Supply and Demand, it’s not just for crude oil it seems.

Supply and Command.