Why are tokens so low right now?

The drop in token prices was on a slide after the boosting community bans.

If there is Less buyers/demand the value should drop.

Totally from banning boosting communities I would suspect. It might slide further down too.

Ever see the token spike when a game releases? High demand does it.

I know I get that but this is the system that’s unmonitored by anybody.

So Blizz can manipulate and do whatever they want.

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Just think about how many people have the 5 mil gold mount from bfa…

This was not an overnight slide. It’s been a steady slide since the banning. They didn’t drop magically from 200k to 150, it was a steady slide. Token prices are monitored and then compare that to the ban date

You’re stifling his conspiracy theorying…

Not really. The price had been coming down before that because it spiked when the cat/transmog were added to the store. The price recently has been dropping presumably because more people are buying them to get the new legendaries.

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If more people are “buying gold” the value of the token would go up. There is less demand so the value is going down.

You’ve got that backwards. Demand for the token increases in-game when there’s something people want to buy for real money from the store. When there’s something people want with gold, the market gets flooded with tokens on the AH.


Blizzard sacrificed the goodwill of their players for short term profits. Many of those players left.

Some came back, but ultimately less players are buying tokens, so the price dropped, even despite the massive gold sinks for re-re-making your legendaries. As the price drops, fewer people will buy the token, which leads to the price dropping lower.

It’s a predictable outcome. My only objection is that this will make third party RMT more and more attractive as their lower prices become better and better deals in comparison.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see some sort of token promotion if it continues to tank, with it being attributed to something else of course, so as to avoid embarrassment.


The demand is low. That’s why prices are falling. There is lots of products but no buyers.

Demand in-game is low, because people are spending their gold on legendary stuff…not tokens.

I don’t think the demand for Tokens to pay for subs changes much month to month. The price is almost totally reliant on players who want Tokens for Gold.

When there’s a Gold sink like the Bruto or new Lego’s players will open their wallets and buy Tokens to get the Gold they need. That pushes the price down because there are more Tokens on the AH.

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That’s what I’ve been trying to tell them. :sob:

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Same reason prices for most other things drop.

Open 20 burgers joints in a line on the same street with the exact same quality of food, service, atmosphere, capacity, etc… Only advantage any of them could possibly have is cheaper prices.

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What makes token prices go up
High demand for exchanges
Inflation-Blizz printing too much gold(WQ, dailies,Tables, etc…)

What makes tokens go down
Low demand for exchanges
Deflation-Blizzard removing excess gold.

They have not started yeeting gold out of the economy, so that only leaves less demand for token sales. I think killing boosting communities reduced the demand side of things.

People forget that the token is not creating gold out of thin air, but it’s a transaction facilitated by Blizzard.

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You forgot to include that the cost of legendaries skyrocketing is a big contributor to why tokens are so low…

200k per month isn’t even a lot. You just have to do menial stuff like herbing. Cosmic potions are pricey right now and it’s worth her in him Endless Sands. Prices will crater once flying unlocks though and anyone can easily and quickly farm the elite areas.
Zinathid is also a money maker.

i wanted to pick up a couple to craft my 291 leggos without using like 1/3 of my money

guess you’re farming it the hard way then.

That wouldn’t drop token price, it would raise it. That is a demand pressure which drives prices up.