Why are they doing huge maintenance times the past 3 resets...?

Used to only be 1 hour…? Am I missing something? Last 3 resets went 4 hours, 4 hours, now 8 hours…? Really disappointing and before anyone tells me “ToUcH gRaSs”, no, they shouldn’t be getting away with stuff like this wtf.?


its the ah update also with this
i rather have long maintenance then have them take it back down to fix something that could been fixed in the maintenance time frame


Yup . I’d rather wait longer and it’s fixed vs getting it back quick and it’s all Willy wonka and we have more down time.


Funniest part was one of their promises was “we just want to give you guys this experiement and not do anything”


What’s your solution and why is this unacceptable? Do you understand what’s being done in today’s patch? What kind of maintenance is acceptable for 8 hours, to you?

Perhaps call the police and report this crime?


Do people really only play WoW?

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Given the changes coming to the AH, I’d rather they get it done right.


And I’m terrified of the AH change lol

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It takes a full 8 hrs to nerf lower Kharazan into puggable oblvion and boringness.

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Oh I won’t be posting anything for at least a week, lol. I’m terrified of it.

I have some type of issue, where it’s really hard for me to focus on more than one game at a time. If I boot up one of my other MMOs, I’ll instantly unsub from this and stop playing for months to focus on the other game.


Blizzard is doing some of the things now that will be part of the future of this game. Do it now, fix all the problems it causes then make it good.

Instead is doing it all the same time perhaps preventing days of downtime if it all crashes.

I can find other things to do in the mean time.

  • Auction Houses across all realms on a given region will now share commodity listings (gems, herbs, flasks, consumables, etc.). Items that aren't commodities–like armor and weapons–will continue to be realm-specific.


Also there’s no nerfs or buffs to characters or even raid changes.
Like, this 8 hours is completely unwarranted for the majority of players in this game.

The fun of an online game is updates and maintenance will affect parts of the game that you don’t care about which by result impact your part of the game.

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did you get mad about the monday maintenance yesterday and all the wednesday/thursday etc from a couple weeks ago

One was 9.3, another was fixing major bugs in several dungeons, this one is the region wide auction house, and tuning the mythic rotation.

Certain things have come to light, man, new information, I mean did it ever occur to you instead of uh…like blaming Blizz maybe , like uh…its more complex, a lot of moving parts man. Like uh… you know?

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Excuse me, I’d like to speak to your manager.

no doubt. Think of all the gold that could be lost by hundreds of thousands of people if they get this wrong. This is one they gotta get right.