The T3 set bonuses are trash, devs really need to do better - no one wants this borrowed power crap…gear that only works inside one specific raid is against the spirit of classic itself if theres anything this community can agree on in regards to that.
But -1.5 seconds off of Bloodthirst cooldown my dood.
Because they think they know more about how you want to play this game than you do.
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if i had to guess
- they are continuing their endgame systems tests per there original intentions at the creation of SoD
every tier we’ve had different endgame and loot systems. seems like they are throwing darts at a board to see what sticks for future iterations of the game. be they seasons or classic+
- less likely but it looks like they are trying to baseline everyone with temporary power for potential updates past phase 8. basically naxx is a reset. end of old content is a new beginning