Someone missed classes at school.
Maybe the company only had 5 copies of MS office but gave every employee a quest to install it.
do you really think he is that bad? I mean I definitely loathe his vision for the game but I haven’t got a full trump narcissism vibe from him. Maybe a bit swole with power but he seems like a full bore blizzard ‘team’ guy.
What makes you think that?
I think it’s devs rushing to hit a deadline more than anything else
blizzard crunch is real
Just one example of many this is not the same company it used to be.
Blizzard would have different employees working on the two different aspects you’re talking about, so either is inexcusable. It’s pretty bad that a company like Blizzard can’t hire writers who are competent with the English language.
If I’m not mistaken you claimed to have worked QA for some company, you should know this. lol
They fixed it:
Working as intended.
Nobully; this is sad, even for you.
Just like the grammar for that quest is inexcusable.
As to the ‘language skills’ statement, please just stop: your need to contradict anyone and everyone is almost as bad as my need to portray myself as a sleazy Madam.
‘…a few minor text issues…’
‘…no gameplay effect.’
Clearly you know nothing about business. It’s ALL ‘minor’ until it crashes down on you. Only a few mistakes are needed to cause major catastrophes.
And crash it will for if this text is any example then who knows what else they’ve flubbed?
I’m pretty sure the people handling game-breaking bugs have s**t all to do with the people writing quest text. I’m not sure why this is the hill you’re choosing to die on, but there’s no excuse for these kinds of unprofessional grade school-level errors.
Thank you for showing us that your opinion on this matter is completely irrelevant.
One thing to consider is that the quest for which the text was written may have undergone several changes.
Maybe the Ravens were originally a rogue group from Mechagon meting vigilante justice on the rebels from Rustbolt and we’re later turned into actual ravens.
Maybe the quest writer originally used crow instead of raven and the editor left a note that said “use ravens” to which the writer said “oh I’ve got your Raven’s buddy”.
Making something as collaborative as a video game, also be as refined as art probably isn’t the easiest thing to do.
A few typos in quest text is pretty forgivable in that context.
It’s either A) Blizzard workers are not native English speakers, B) Blizzard workers are all born after 1980 and thus didn’t get a basic education and/or don’t read, or C) Blizzard workers are sloppy workers.
Take your pick.
I’m going to send my 2nd-Grade teacher over to Blizzard HQ. She won’t let anyone leave until they’ve learned to diagram sentences.
sits here wondering why more wow players haven’t added these words to their spellcheck dictionaries
begins to wonder if I’m just weird
My hands hurt from thinking about second grade English class…
Some idiot beat you with a ruler?
That’s pretty messed up.
I wasn’t raised in a padded corners on coffee tables, seatbelts in shopping carts (or many cars lol), hand holding timeframe.
I was raised in a “your kid is being stupid again” as I try to jump from the barn roof to the haywagon and my dad saying “he’ll either get it right or learn to aim better” timeframe.
Getting smacked in class for goofing off wasn’t a “THINK OF THE CHILDREN! MAKE A LAW! REGULATE BREATHING!” issue… it was a don’t goof off in class lesson.
I get the first part as I have taken part in many second story jumps that lead to a very hard landing. But if anyone that wasn’t my parents struck me with any object they’d been out cold in the floor if the overpower option was available.
Has less to do with “think of the children” and more to do with being an educator that can teach without physical violence towards a child. A good educator doesn’t need to beat small children to teach, only the bad ones need such a crutch.
I only seen things like that happen a few times when I was in school and one time it turned out pretty bad. Some lady did that very thing and ended up with a broken jaw and I assume a concussion. Apparently she couldn’t handle what she was dishing out. I mean, if you’re gonna crack someone on the knuckles with a thick ruler I’d wager you’ve earned what comes next.
The kid was never charged or anything so it turned out fine in the end. The teacher also learned a life lesson so it was a very teachable moment.
This post only makes me feel bad that I don’t read quest text.
The moment I activated instant quest text I never looked back. I honestly have no clue what I’m trying to save anymore.
Something about goldfish I think.