Why are there so many errors in the new quest text?

There are tons of spelling errors in the new quest text from Nazjatar and Mechagon, not to mention all other sorts of incorrect grammar. Missing or wrong punctuation, commas and apostrophes inserted where they don’t make sense, just all sorts of stuff like this. Does Blizzard not have anyone proofreading this? Why do they have people that make this many of this kind of errors writing the text in the first place?


Must have fired their proof reader :rofl:


Proofreader doesn’t have enough rep for spellcheck yet and lost their grammar skills until they can unlock the equipment for it.


Figures there would be one guy that actually reads the quest text.


Proper orthography is a nice thing, and we don’t deserve nice things.

Show us examples

They forgot that some people actually take the time to read the quest text and not skim over it.


The text for the Ravenous Rescue is the one I know about from Blizznerds.

Outsourcing is dangerous yo… you get what you pay for.


A conspiracy of ravens is preying on citizen’s of Rustbolt, it’s most unacceptable! Prince Erazmin has asked me to rescue as many citizens as I can, but I could use your help. I’ve tracked the Raven’s to this hill. We blast the raven out of the sky, and you rescue the Mechagnomes. Use my marker gun, if you need help bringing one of the Raven’s down.

Where are all these glaring typos?
…other than maybe a superfluous comma, it’s not as if it’s riddled with typos.


Since I have yet to actually quest in the new area…
Shouldn’t citizen’s be citizens. It’s supposed to be plural not denoting ownership of something.

The second usage of ravens, if similar in context to the first, shouldn’t be capitalized nor should it be showing ownership. It’s not a proper name and needs to be made plural.


Out sourcing? I imagine “Dave” in Pakistan isn’t very good at Writing in English.


Oh snap! Savage!

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Uh, but it IS riddled with typos. “Raven’s” with a capital R and apostrophe. “Mechagnomes” with a capital M (should be lower case, like humans, dwarves, gnomes, etc). “Citizen’s” with an apostrophe where there shouldn’t be one. There’s no need for a comma after “marker gun”. I’ve seen quest text with questions that have periods at the end instead of question marks. Tons and tons of superfluous commas and apostrophes, unnecessary capitalization, etc etc.


The line…

“we blast the raven out of the sky, and you rescue the mechagnomes.”

Could be written better…

We’ll (we will) blast the ravens (making it plural as I assume according to the rest of the quest text we’re going after multiple birds) out of the sky (no comma is needed here, remove the word and, add in while) while you rescue the mechagnomes.

Please keep in mind, I’m not in any way an English major. I didn’t even study English in college. All I have is a basic knowledge from the few classes that were required in high school and college. I also rely heavily on my phone and computer to spellcheck. With that said, I do know the difference between there, their, and they’re. :laughing::laughing:


This is hardly a new thing, I see the same mistakes in vanilla when leveling alts. I mean, I’ll proofread for game time…if they really need someone for that…

I love you for not putting apostrophes in apostrophes and commas.

Wouldn’t it break immersion and be less “accurate” if every single NPC you met spoke with 100% perfect grammar?

In real life every random person I meet definitely doesn’t speak perfectly.

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That’s just what I was going to say.

Not really, no. In fact, a lot of NPCs use incorrect grammar or alternate spellings-yer instead of you’re, for example. The difference is that you don’t hear incorrect plurals when someone is speaking. Ravens and raven’s sound the same, but have completely different meanings. Unless the NPC was actually saying “bringing one of the raven is down” or “bringing one of the raven has down”-which makes no sense-it’s a glaring typo.