Why are there so many errors in the new quest text?

You do realize that 11 full-time QA members is a lot, right? Just 2-3 extra, dedicated QA people on WoW alone would make a huge difference. It would take one person a day to proofread the quest text from the new patch.


Because they cut QA jobs.

You act like there was a lot of QA going on before the layoffs. lol

Rushed patch due to catastrophic sub losses

Down to 500k or less

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Provide pictures or get out.

Post your proof of sub count.

Not saying your first statement is wrong. But I don’t believe there are less than 500k subs.

Go look it up, linking is blocked

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Considering Blizz no longer announces sub counts, where would I find this? You can link using the preformatted text option.

Very true.
I am continually amazed at the grammatical/spelling/typo errors in this game. I find them in both the older parts of the game as well as in the more recent expansions.
I used to turn in reports on them but I have given up on that.

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do you not understand how apostrophes work

From what I can tell, no one does anymore.

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Given that “full” servers now have less than 3.5k players, including both factions, I’d say it’s safe to say that subs are way down.

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Where are you getting your data from? It’s easy to post numbers w/o back-up.

There are census addons. I wasn’t aware of these addons until I saw a thread a while back, it’s kind of cool. These addons work by basically doing a /who on races, areas, levels, classes, ect. for all players currently playing between the levels of 20 and 120. You’ll need to get on an Alliance character to check Alliance and a Horde character to check Horde.

It’s amusing, although also sad, to check many of these full servers during primetime. Get one of the addons and play with it this evening. :wink:

But doesn’t that just count users on at that time? You’d have to be on 24/7 for a month to get a count of AVERAGE active users for that month. Doesn’t count subs though.

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You’re right, it won’t see who’s not online. But we can get a feel for what is considered “full”, which is a pretty low number. Anyways, this conversation is way off topic and people report stuff with such ease so we’ll have to finish this later.

One person a day, designated to proofread quest text would be a terrible waste of resources. There are much bigger issues in WoW to be addressed.

Most of the major issues are development and story issues. Those have nothing to do with QA.

One person, whose full-time JOB is QA, spending a day proofreading quest text before the patch is absolutely not a waste of resources. Attitudes like that is why we are given a sub-par product, because the community accepts it and gives them excuses for it.