I mean, I can understand in the days of yore when art resources weren’t what they are today. But come on! Flails are ubiquitous in other Blizzard games, so they know how to animate them. Give me a Naz-gul-esque, Stormherald with chain in the middle of it - but smaller and one-handed - to smite my enemies. Mace class. On my wishlist for future expansions and/or patches!!!
Totally need these. Couldn’t be a more entertaining weapon to play with.
Fits both the Holy Crusader theme AS WELL AS the evil, Dark Lord trope. I’m down for either, frankly.
We do though. But only for pally and warrior. And only if you managed to beat MT during legion.
Oh, I’m unfamiliar. What is it?
A chain is really difficult to animate in a game and have it not look like poo. The tech to do so has so recently come out I doubt it’s been a priority to design one.
Because it’s hard to animate and not look bad. That’s it.
As much as I love my mt skins, the animation is still not quite there.
Mage Tower Prot Pally Artifact weapon is a flail that is semi-animated I think. Same with Prot Warrior.
I would guess due to how difficult it is to animate it flipping and swinging
around where it looks decent.
Too hard for a small indie company to animate.
But I would love them.
one of the best idea’s posted here in a while.
They are probably just waiting for the next xpac.
World of Warcraft: Diablo Gains.
After the success of the randomized dungeon instance in SL we should see crafting, Crusader class, flails and Velens Cube.
There is one. Its called the Protection Paladin Mage tower skin.
There are flails though. I can dual wield them on the PTR too. Preview still doesn’t work right for that image. Oh well.
I feel like Blizz was testing that with some of the artifact weapons in legion.
It’s probably weird to try and make sure the flail moves properly without glitching all over the place
But…there is a flail in WoW. Maybe two actually.
Won’t be shocked if some form get added in shadow lands in patches.
Man I hope so.
This . Prot Warrior artifact says hello.