Why are there female dwarves? and vrykul?

Female dwarves don’t exist. The ones you see in game just saved their beards.

All dwarves are just carved out if stones on the side of a mountain.

When I see a dwarf female I tend to go .

Hey you shaved I really liked the beard then I get punched.

i dont think queen moira would simply punch you, pretty sure your behind would get thrown into the magma pits

They always did.

First, there’s a Dungeon where you get to fight 3 Mogu Clans. After you beat them, they start insulting each other.

“Your mother is so old, she saw the rise of the first kingdom!”

“Where did you get that weapon from? Your sister?”

Then there’s the ghost of an Ancient Mogu Queen.

And then there was that Mogu story that Lei Shen fought his friend over a woman.

"Their brotherhood was also the source of much conjecture and fiction. The peasant masses enjoyed writing stories, including a famous saga about their feud over a woman. "

And now that we met the Mogu again, both as friends and enemies, we’ve met two new female Mogu:

The Mogu were only RUMORED not to have any females. And that rumor was clearly wrong considering all the females we’ve met, all the things we’ve heard them say and write, etc.

They probably just hide their girls really well for some unknown reason.

I know there are at least 2 female Mogu .

Raid bosses in Throne of Thunder .

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As others have said, they exist because we’ve seen the results. The problem you have is that you’re working from the inside of an artificially constrained set of parameters, so you can’t see all of the information. It’s kind of like the gap between modern humans and neanderthals or whatever the previous humans were. There is a connection because we’re here, and it’s not aliens. We just haven’t found it yet. The Blizzard devs just haven’t (a) revealed it yet or (b) thought it up yet.

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The reason why you haven’t seen a female Earthen or female stone Vrykul is probably due to resource management.

It’s much easier to just make 1 version of something and give it different skins.

Lore-wise, there are also female Earthen models, too… I really hope they add female Earthen and female Vrykul.

I was so excited when I saw the female earth Dog-people of Pandaria. I forget their name lol. I wish they’d incorporate them more in the story.

I’d love to see a female Iron Dwarf. (No, not Dark Iron. Iron Dwarf–the Earthen from Storm Peaks in Northrend). They are so cool; bluish/silver skin, lightning all over their bodies!


Actually, this is not true. Ogres were a type of Earthen made specifically for Dreanor. They come from the Gronn, who come from those earthen giant things.

Your theory might have a point if the Titans themselves didn’t already have female and male forms

Actually this is explained in lore, though not specifically.

Yogg Saron cursed the forges that created the Titan Forge armies causing them to produce fleshy and deformed creations over time.

So it can be assumed that female titan forged were one of the results of this corruption. Or Gift if you’re on team void. Yogg freed you from a life of servitude.

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Aww. :sob:

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You also look awesome, my dear. <3

But we already have Dark Iron female Dwarves. I’d love a female Iron Dwarf model–perhaps as a glyph for Dwarven Monks that swaps out Xu-en’s form for a female Iron Dwarf Monk!

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There are female gnomes even though they were all robutts.

Kind of one of those things where the lore is kinda weird and not thought out 100% so you just give it a pass.