Why are there 3 of the same pet?

Why are there sometimes 3 of the same pet you can get?

I suspect for a couple reasons - the first is some of us had dozens of them across all our toons and making us get rid of all but one would be mean. The other reason is for certain pet fights you want three of the same pet.

There is a reason they nerfed Ikky.



pets with 1/1 spot has the set breed
pets with */3 has multy breeds

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For sure. I haven’t started doing pet battles yet, so i never would have figured that out. Thanx to the both of you. :smiley:

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You’re very welcome - try going to the warcraft pet site, it has some great information on how to start and strategies.

Good luck!

Like in pokemon, they let you have the same pokemon ( battle pet) for some pet strategies. It’s also useful for some achievements where you need 3 of the same pet type to beat trainers.

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There are 3 pure pet breeds, Health, Speed, and Power, and various combinations of the 3 breeds.
Sometimes in pet battles, actually most times, one breed is more effective than the other two.
What breed that will be is determined by the opposition.
so, as a rule, having 1 high health, 1 very fast, and 1very strong version of a pet covers most eventualities.

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having a S/P is good for the burst pets
H/H for the slow tanky ones
H/P for a hard hitting tanks
avoid balance pets

All 1/1 pets only have one breed, but they’re not 1/1 for that.

Pets which you can only have one of are typically from account-wide rewards. Stuff like the blizzard store, blizzcon and achievement pets are all 1/1.

Some Quest Reward pets are also 1/1, like the Fel Pup from Tanaan or Dart from Nazmir. But most let you get 3 copies.

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This isn’t true. There are many pets that you can have multiples of that only come in one breed.

The 1/1 pets are relatively rare, and are intended to be rare (like, actually rare, not just “blue”). As for why it’s capped at 3 for most pets, they had to cap it at something or some people would overwhelm the pet system by capturing and keeping every squirrel they come across…

i made a error with the add on i used
with the ah pets sometimes the breeds would not pop up

there are a few 3/3 pets with one breed

Seems to me the 3 of one-breed only pets are post-WoD.