Why are the interface buttons so small and gray?

The button/tabs for spells, group finder etc are way to small especially for visually challenged people. And why all gray? it’s not only boring it makes it that much more difficult to differentiate. Secondly, the Adventure Guide no longer shows raids; at least my tab is grayed out. Why? I always found that very useful to see the loot available from the different bosses.Frankly, the new interface has considerably more negatives than positives - I hope that does not portend bad stuff in the new expansion. I expect it does.

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You can resize the buttons with the built in edit tool that blizzard added with the 10.0.0 patch.


IIRC, you can also turn on borders around the slots on your bars.

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Probably due to the new expansion launching in less than 24 hours. The new Dragonflight raid will be opened in a two weeks or so. The Raids tab should show up again soon ™.


they’re talking about the micromenu.

if you’ve found a way to resize it, I’m all (bunny) ears!


Can be done using Bartender4.


Nephe beat me to it, and is 100% correct.

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There are both Addons and weakauras that can color the micro menu. Improves visibility quite a bit.

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i just celebrated being able to get rid of bartender.
not going to install it and need to constantly update it just for one function which was overlooked by devs.

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Edit Mode is a work in progress with more elements to be added, according to Blizzard, so hopefully soon.



ye olde “soon™

/sips coffee and waits… patiently.


Can also be resized or moved via the EDIT MODE FEATURES addon.

Link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/edit-mode-features

My screenshot while using it: