Why are so many people mad about Survival Hunter... its the best performing spec in the game right now

Iv done it a few times now. Nobody cares. One person said they miss explosive shot but its apart of the necrolord legendary so not like its really lost. Its usually just here and nowhere else where all the QQin is, and thats usually Bepples and some lvl 10 alts in hiding.

It wasnt.

You said otherwise to me a few times now. Make up your mind.

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You saying one thing and the devs saying another are to different things. Ima go with what the devs said, thanks.

I concur.


Actually the devs never said anything about ranged SV’s popularity. They came up with a different set of fallacious reasons.


can’t you played ranged survival using arcane and steady shot and throwing bombs/Kill command/Kill shot…

I feel that would do pretty good damage

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It doesn’t because a) Arcane Shot does extremely low damage per focus for SV and several effects depend on Raptor Strike, b) you need to Carve to get the most out of WFB, c) Auto-Shot has a hidden -50% damage aura for SV, and d) Kill Shot and Muzzle require melee weapons equipped.

With the tier set bonus and the eclipsing of the rest of the spec by Wildfire Bomb (a ranged ability that doesn’t fit a melee spec well), it’s true that right now SV is capable of most of its performance potential even when standing at range. However it’s still a far cry from being an actual ranged spec. Plus there’s a ton of thematic value and uniqueness in having a real ranged weapon and SV is so massively nerfed by equipping one.


Regardless, I’m taking their word over a rando forum user, thanks.


True, but it’s not just about the ‘ranged’ part.

The devs never said that RSV wasn’t popular, and therefore it should be removed. If anything, they’ve said the opposite of that.

I mean, wouldn’t the best thing be to actually looking up the facts, rather than simply taking them for their word?

Many of the things they’ve said in regards to the history of the spec, before it became one(when it was still merely a category), and the time since, are just flat out wrong/lies/ignorance/based on a double-standard, whatever you wna call it.


Did you comprehend at all what I said? They didn’t say a damn thing about representation. So when you’re “taking their word over mine” you’re going off literally nothing.


I’m going to try this out in Torghast, this may be fun.

I have honestly been loving SV. I played it a bit in Legion and BfA but I am not a melee player, and have never really jelled with the idea. But I quit playing for over a year because of carpal tunnel, and when I decided to come back to play I told myself I needed to do something different. So I moved back into SV and I really enjoy it with my new mindset. With that said, it’s surprising to see demo and survival doing so well. Makes me wonder if they are going to see another revamp in Dragonflight and the devs just threw the players that stuck with these two specs a bone. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

anyone who thinks rsv wasnt popular has no idea what they’re talking about. rsv was extremely popular cata-wod. BM spent wotlk and cata being a dead spec unless you were some casual doing dailies or taming a spirit beast, and MM had meme-tier aoe and was hardly played until they gave it instant aimed shot in hfc.


Honestly… I just do not like the playstyle. Other melee classes/specs feel better to me but that’s my opinion.


Others can comprehend once you comprehend that your spec is in the garbage and wont be leaving it till ya’ll act better.

They definitely made a statement when they changed the spec and its that statement ill stick to believe over a bitter random.

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They made a statement about why it was change and ill take their reasoning over yalls. Them, unlike you two; don’t needlessly attack people for having different opinions.

Wouldnt the best thing for yall have been not to have remained bitter at people (for years) that had nothing to do with that garbo spec being removed?

Of course yall would say this. You’ve been bitter for years and continue to grasp at straws.


They need to make the spec feel better my idea for making the spec feel better is to make Aspect of the Eagle a passive at mid-range at 25yds instead of the original 40yds for 15sec which grants 5-10% leech in melee with auto attacks. So where you can launch your air slashes from range safely at any time by casting Mongoose Bite or Raptor Strike but there a catch is you want to try to be in melee to gain leech from your auto attacks making you want to stay in melee as long as the heals to keep you alive. Another change id do is change Mend Pet to Mend/Lick Wounds you apply salve to your pet and your pet Licks your wounds granting the pet with a 35% heal over 10sec with a 10-sec cooldown but a 20% heal to a player over 10-sec and you toss out Exhilaration and balance hunter healing with granting leech and balancing Mend/Lick Wounds. And second thing id do is go back to Legion pet system and allow pets to respec but make leech baseline for ferocity tenacity and cunning as a secondary trait and ferocity gives ethier armor or parry buff to replace it then hunter can heal from pet auto attacks damage abilities and Kill Comand as added sustain. And lone Wolf can just grant Marksmen the 10-15% bonus leech for not having a pet plus higer solo 10% damage buff damage plus having a mend wounds ability and beastmasters gain thru pet but its baseline 15% and goes to 20% with the trait with Kill Comand granting more leech healing thru damage output.

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Agreed 100%

Derailing Survival threads, hating on people just for playing melee and trolling people on the forums is not how to get RSV back.

There probably is no way to get it back tbh, but if there was, no one is doing it right.


Lol this little man really thinks hes the voice of absolution. Bro you are cringe. Everyone remember, !Bepples

its from lack of meat in his diet. All soy meal plans

Hey pretty cool idea- I guess it would depend on like how good it is. Like in the dungeons and in pvp. I mean if it weren’t that good, than I guess my take wouldn’t be that positive.

This thread was literally derailed by its author though. Started insulting people immediately after a single reply.

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Again, their reasoning had nothing to do with popularity.

When have I done this? I pretty much never reference the individual, but instead focus on what they’re saying.

You’d do well to actually read my posts, rather than assuming that I’m “bitter” at people(other posters).

Speaking of acting accordingly…you making troll comments about a spec players enjoyed, that was removed. :roll_eyes:

There’s no “grasping”. Read up on the history of the class and it’s design, instead of taking people at their word…

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