Why are so many people mad about Survival Hunter... its the best performing spec in the game right now

Good to see some things never change like Bepples lying to fit his arguments. At least we can look forward to another few years since SV is staying melee in Dragonflight.

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Point out where I lied.

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Each and every time you try to pass your opinions off as fact. So, I could link like 75% of your posts but why bother.

p.s. I truly loved you calling people who enjoy the current SV entitled given your six-year rant. Your hypocrite card has been firmly stamped.

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Which of his opinions are wrong? (Opinions can’t be wrong, so I’ll assume you mean his facts were inaccurate, but whatever.)

That RSV differed substantially from both MM and BM in theme, damage profile, and moment-to-moment gameplay?

That RSV was widely popular from 3.0 through 6.1.5, until it was nerfed to the ground in 6.2 after Blizz had already decided to make MSV for Legion?

That RSV has never been properly emulated with MM talents as Blizzard promised to do during Legion alpha?

That SV in Vanilla and TBC was a ranged focused spec with better tools to CC and punish melee attackers?

That Blizzard explicitly stated they intended MSV to be a niche spec appealing to new players and veterans who traditionally hadn’t enjoyed Hunter?

Because all of those things are true.


Maybe instead of white knighting try reading slower. I didn’t say his opinion was wrong. However, he has spent six years trying to pass his opinions off as fact, which are lies. It’s telling, and comical, that you tried to change my point to fit your convoluted rant though.

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Yet you still give no examples…


This is as dumbed down as it gets.

Ive been saying this all along. The fact is that these white knighters just want whatever blizz tells them to want. Right now its msv.

I’m not asking you to dumb it down.

I’m asking you to provide contextual examples that can be individually examined. That would be the opposite of dumbing it down.


You’re still not giving specific examples.

I believe we had this discussion in the past. However when I check your post history I see the typical “This user’s public profile is hidden.” :roll_eyes:


you can disagree with people’s opinions but bepples is one of the few that doesn’t have dementia when it comes to the pre-legion specs.


Highly unlikely.
What is likely is more empty statements backed by more empty statements. Boring.


Yeah, Hello

LOL I cant with this take. Cool, by the logic bestowed by random hunter forum poster 999, Ranged SV was a failure hence the rework.

Considering the number of times you fly in to white knight his posts, forgive me if I laugh. He also has a six year history of leaving out facts that don’t support his stance and making things up. It’s amazing the amount of lying you will do to continue to whine about SV.

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Such as? Provide specific examples…


i dont think this guy actually has anything to say


Name. Examples.

Multiple people have called you out on these vague, generalised statements with 0 backing of yours. You’re not fooling anyone.


im kind of upset that survival is top dog, but not for the reasons that most people are. I really do not mind survival being melee. what i hate is that survival does not really feel like a hunter spec. with most of its damage focusing on bombs it plays like a bombier or a poorly designed tinker spec that just happens to have a pet helper.

many of you probly never played warhammer online age of reckoning but the white lion class there has the feel of a melee hunter. it was all about flanking strikes and cordnated attacks between u and ur pet. savage dots and having alot to do with positioning and coordination between the you and your pet.

i just hate the thematics and game play of survival and mm not having a pet kind of does the same to in that aspect also but atleast mm feels like a hunter spec


Exactly! Move away from the bombs!

Yes lean into the white lion play style.

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I played that game for the whole 5 years it was live, and loved it. As a Squig Herder, the White Lion was my nemesis. It had a leap, and a pull; two things that could spoil my kiting ways. For that reason, I put points in the Squig Herder’s melee tree so I wouldn’t be helpless in melee. I could at least knockback and stun.