Why are servers shutting down in 10 minutes?

Blizzard: “Everyone OUT. RIGHT NOW!”


I could say “emergency maintenance”, because that’s what it says on the login screen, no ETA. I don’t think there was time to come up with a fix for UI issues. That’ll take some thought to develop a fix.

I yelled just before the game went down, “REPENT, THE END IS NIGH! I REGRET NOTHING!


Blizzard realized that using healthy hamsters to keep the server running was ableism so they are frantically looking for a less able one.


So glad I’m retired. I remember before I retired, that on some launch days I’d want to take personal time off from work, but decided it might be best to wait a few days before doing that because of this very reason.

Seems the first several days to a week after a patch like this, we always feel like ping pong balls with the game…sigh. Some things do require restarts in order for whatever changes they made can take effect.

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I got some characters I want to level that are mid 50s. Imma gone wait till then so I can level somewhere else. I hate SLs .

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The hamster is tired.


Well dang, i was having dcing issues this morning so i was playing d3 solo to confirm they were gone. Guess its back to d3!

Pfft, stop being a pessimist, we all know it will be bear nerfs.

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Back to City of Heroes for the afternoon…


Found one. Aww, look. He’s grooming himself.

yeah…it was there. I saw it right before shut down…on my realm, anyway
was maybe 8 minutes prior, I think

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This is a big one.

Also pretty big

Then the list of other bugs is pretty large. Says emergency server maint with no timeframe for coming back up either.

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yup pretty much lol :slight_smile:

Whenever I turn in a quest, I lag for 3-5 seconds. Some of the loot I pick up is giving me syntax errors, a few others I won’t mention here :slight_smile:

One of those Hamsters powering the servers escaped.

Godspeed little Hamster.

Some people need to get fired they cant do their job right the first or second time. Third times a charm I guess. If I sucked at my job as much as these admins I would be fired too

I just took my level 50 to chromie to check and sadly she says i need to go to icecrown.

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like my drunk daddy bringing home a ‘friend’ from the bar :rofl::rofl::rofl:


It’s almost like, there exists a reality where you can have exact duplicates of an environment, and by executing a series of events in that environment, you can effectively weed out the bad strings of data that would continue to duplicate when you move the corrupt data to your prime environment, BEFORE you move the corrupt data to your prime environment.

These snacks and this time are being wasted.

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Those dead, soulless eyes can only be one-upped by one person on the planet, and that is Mark Zuckerberg.