Why are PvP players so negative?

DF has been the best PvP season in a long time!

Gearing is very easy, and the gear gap between honor and conquest is minimized by the catalysts that make getting tier pretty fast.

The balance is also very good, most specs feel very fun to play with maybe some healer specs needing a buff here or there but so far it’s been a good gameplay experience.

I am a 1800 player this season and I’m happy I can make it this far, sure I’ve reached higher ratings in previous seasons but I enjoy playing PvP in general so the number doesn’t matter to me as much as the game play.

But I just hate seeing so many calling the season “dead” or things like that when DF is what we wanted since BfA in terms of balance and ease of access, if anything we should be happy Blizzard is actively listening to us and giving us what we want.


PVE morale is considerably lower. :dracthyr_heart: Also nerf Auggie.


WoW players are never satisfied. You know this.


There are a lot of reasons why. A lot of folks who PVP (Not all, but some lol.) are generally mad in life and when things don’t go their way or something bothers them it’s amplified into a lot of emotional frustration.

It’s competitive so when a favorite/rival performs well/poorly outside of their favor it instigates negative reactions sometimes illogically.

Generally speaking, it’s unlikely everyone will be satisfied on balancing or how things are at any given time.

This was you yesterday:


Gotta play all the angles so you always come out on top before your time runs out. :brain:

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Hostile work environment.

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You guys know what to do


“ Alternatively, and maybe this is a hot take; Aug is fine. Numbers will get tuned and the meta will shift, as it always does. If anything, it’s probably healthy that the new spec is overturned so that there is high representation for data-gathering purposes for future adjustments.

It is silly that you’re here to cry and moan about another spec whilst also playing a class that regularly dominates metas. But I’m sure that’s just further proof to you that I haven’t read your post or something.”

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No doubt a fine addition to your collection.

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Is this poster a bot? I’m not trying to be condescending, the threads just always read really weird


Garmuck was the model for ChatGPT.


He uses chat gpt

But doesnt use Dabdaddy-AI™

This post was auto generated by Dabdaddy-AI™


Imagine for a moment you’re PvP and your older brother is PvE, he constantly gets noticed by everyone including your own parents (which in this instance is Blizzard), his achievements and feats are heralded and applauded and he’s constantly being positively reinforced by everyone around him.

You on the other hand get far less attention from everyone, you may get a birthday present or Christmas present each year in the form of a few talents getting reworked and your parents sometimes ask you how your day went at the dinner table every few weeks or so (monthly balance tuning for PvP) only for your older brother to cut you off halfway through about a problem he’s having at school (problems with the raid and some M+ dungeon issues or an underperforming spec) and the attention goes right back to him, he smirks at you knowing full well what he just did and no one notices his remark.

If you’re having a really big problem in your life it takes a gigantic public meltdown after many years for it to finally get addressed and solved (gear vendors coming back in Shadowlands, issues with vendors fixed an expansion later after Holinka publicly stated that they only learned we wanted quick accessible PvP gearing halfway through Shadowlands even though we’d been screaming from the top of our lungs since at least 2018 that we wanted the WoD style of PvP gearing back)

This story is my attempt to sum up why PvP players are so negative; they feel betrayed, ignored and disrespected because they believe Blizzard neglects them constantly to tend to PvE while seemingly genuinely believing they’re listening to us PvP players.

We aren’t just some pack of angry people that are constantly bitter and mad in our day to day lives, we’ve just felt completely neglected and pushed aside for the last 10 - 12 years.

Side note, in this story PvE absolutely believes he has it harder out of the two siblings.

It’s just a video game lmao dude stop taking it so serious it’s bad for your Health.

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Why are people so easily triggered by garmuck? Lol.

He often trolls and throws shade and it’s been on the uptick of late. It seems more apt to say that fellow posters are just sick of his antics.

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yeah but who cares? you can literally just not read his post or respond to it.

It’s more fun to shove his stupidity back in his face every time he posts.


WoW players in general overreact to a log of things, don’t seem to like change and act like the world is ending. Not all of them and it mostly would be in places you can see it like the forums or Twitter (X). Can’t say I am completely innocent of this.

That said there are frustrating things for sure.

  • RSS issue with MMR for healers and now DPS. Though that is probably done on purpose to increase queues for DPS it makes little sense for healers, and hurts DPS players sitting in queues for long periods of time. Just issues with RSS overall that take a long time to fix or still waiting on to be fixed.

  • Overall MMR being deflated, which at this point participation is 100% playing a factor for all brackets while it was only 2s, 3s and RBGs in season 1. RSS only had lack of healers which let’s face it has always been an issue for PvP.

  • No real rewards for PvP unless you are a 2100+ player every season, which with deflation has made that even harder.

  • No additions to casual PvP content

So there are things to be frustrated about and it’s not like this is a DF only problem. Hopefully and I kind of have a feeling some of this stuff anyway will begin to get addressed, hopefully before we lose what is left of the PvP player base.

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