You have already seen 99% of every pixel in each zone while quest leveling anyways
The point isn’t for you to “see it” the point is for you to PLAY it. People don’t think from a game developer point of view. Again imagine if super 64 had a feature like that. You can’t just say “oh well it’s ok because you had to get a star from every zone before you unlocked it.” No. It’s never ok. The only reason it was given at all is because players have a ton of mounts they want to use and complain when they can’t fly. So blizzard acquiesces in the least damaging way they can think of.
Now realize that super mario 64 DOES have flying. But it’s implemted via the caps. It’s designed to be fun. Unlike old flying in WoW, which had no element of gameplay anywhere in it’s design.
Game devolopers wan’t you to play a game. Not a walking simulator.
And they could keep releasing flying mounts because most can be used as regular mounts anyway. And because they know flying will be unlocked eventually latter. No reason not to really. It’s not like you’re going to eliminate the problems of flying by starving players of cool new flying mounts.
I mean, I kind of enjoy the dragonflying mechanic. Not so much for gathering as I can run out of power if I have a few nodes close by that can’t be gathered by ground. But I guess that could be fixed by adjusting the talent that gives x% of regen after gathering.
What I dislike immensely though is getting DC’d for the tiniest thing, up to and including simply taking off from the ground. It’s worse when you get into a loop and can’t log back in right away. With a game so focused on this mechanic they really should have worked out those bugs better.
That is playing the game! Interesting that you bring Super Mario into it. Considering they have pretty much been trying to turn this game into a platformer lol. With all the stupid jumping crap in raids and dungeons. And jumping on tree limbs for treasure, etc lol. All that is missing are coins over our cartoons heads lol.
All the reason they said they did not want us to have flight at the beginning of a expac went out the window with the release of dragon riding.
Did not want us to explore too fast. Dragon riding is faster.
Did not want us to skip over stuff. we skip over stuff faster with dragon riding. and so on and so forth.
There is 0 reason to hold back regular flight now. Because according to people on the forums dragon riding can do every thing regular flight can do and more.
So what is the harm for me to fly slower? I’m not going to beat you or anyone else to any node, mob or whatever.
OH NO I might afk in the air, well I can afk in the air with dragon riding by flying up high landing and going to take a nap, What’s the difference?
Normal flying should be available now end of story. Do I have skill issues with dragonflying no it just sucks do I enjoy getting guesy all the time no. I done ground mounted as much as possible thru df twice so why don’t I have normal flying basically pathfinder twice what’s your reason for gating me still blizz when dragonflying was free?
I can guarantee you can’t get bronze with just a mouse. I tried a course a few days ago that I kept on getting put back at the start because I missed a circle because I couldn’t make a sharp enough turn so couldn’t hit one
I think as the expansion goes further they should integrate the two systems to make it so its merely a choice to dragonride and not something you are forced in
Introducing players to the system. You start off with some basics to build into the full system.
Glyphs are progression and encourage exploration. While many players used a guide for the glyphs, many more players did not. So it was a fun activity for players to do for a couple hours. It’s honestly just more fun to earn it (once) then it is to just login and suddenly be an expert dragonrider when you might have no clue what the system is.
Blizz did say that the decision on whether to carry dragonriding forward into future xpacs (or whether to enable it in old content) depends on feedback from players. Players are providing that feedback. I think it probably makes the most sense to have both enabled in all zones with the ability to choose which mounts are used with each type of flight on an individual basis.
You can not get to the main city with out DR or a mage port are a lock summon . So no bank no AH with out the min . 15 minute round trip to SW or longer .
You’re the one who’s confused. Normal flying can and will continue to exist just fine they’ve already said it will be released later in DL. I would not be at all surprised to see Dragon Riding be in DF only.
The people who are so Dragon Riding only are almost like a cult… I haven’t seen a single person who want’s normal flight asking for Dragon Riding to be removed. They should simply co-exist.
That’s still not pay to win. That is still cosmetic skin being offered with a package. It’s okay if you have to unlock the ability to use said skin in game.
I mean I can see the benefit. I guess I’m just saying I don’t think it’s worth it when you’re making a recurrent mechanic more frustrating for new/returning players.
I’m using overpowered in the sense that it breaks the game. Like in Ocarina of Time Links rolls is overpowered because it’s a faster way to travel, thus the player is always go to roll. Which makes the game more annoying.
There is NO content that can be done while flying
Flying itself is content. You could literally release a game that’s just flying around and people would play it because flying around is fun. Old flying isn’t even gameplay, it’s just clicking numlock and going afk.
You can’t give the player a form of movement like that. It’s bad game design.
Any content that is “invalidated” by legacy flying can also be skipped with dragon riding.
Um if you do it right…sure. If you do it wrong you get punished…thus gameplay. You see how it’s actually a game now?