Why are people so obsessed with Hunter being melee?

So you admit that

is factually wrong?

No because it is a bunch of concepts from retail. They tweaked some of them to make more sense in Classic, but they’re not original concepts.

Oh right… I forgot you think bm and sv kill command is the exact same ability. Ofc you won’t see the difference. :man_facepalming:

What exactly is your broader point about classic SoD?

It looks fun. Yet you are only here acting disingenuous

Yes I agree, it has Explosive Shot and Serpent Spread from the good version of Survival.

I do not understand why there is even any discussion on this subject, it looks cool. They want to allow for new concepts like Warlock tanks and Melee hunter without taking anything away which seems like a fun idea, unless Toxic wanna come back and explain that Warlock tanks was a legit thing in vanilla since they tanked twin emperors. And they are taking a lot of concepts from prevous itterations and tweaking them and giving them to vanilla classes.

Overall a cool concept and the era servers are still up for people that want the more unchanged experince.

Tbqh I’d rather every class have a huge variety of specs to choose from, including a melee, ranged, tank, and healer option. While sure, it may be over development to do so, I think it would be a net positive for the community to have options. Even if some options aren’t the most viable for raids or high-value content.

With Delves coming next expac, we’re finally getting casual content for single adventurers, so having more choice - even the wrong choices - would be nice. And with Hero Points, we get a little bit of cross-speccing thrown in. Not only that, but they’re evergreen specs, meaning that in the future, there’s a good chance we’ll see additional hero specs pop up each expac, and 10 levels will be dedicated to unlocking them to choose from. That could be the new cycle of development, we’ll see.

So my thoughts are, is if you want to play Ranged SV, go Marksmanship and pick up hero-tree for SV/MM. Sure, you’ll mostly be an MM Hunter, but you’ll probably get some core options for melee encounters if your mark gets a little too close. And you could still take a pet. It wouldn’t be optimal. But it might be interesting, or even powerful for Open World or PvP.

What I really want to see one day is an option to tank or heal as Hunter. It might be a thing with Hero Trees, not next expac but the one after. Something cool like “Beast Warden” for a tank, or “Ranger” for a healer (falling more in line with DnD on that one). Classic WoW is apparently bringing out tools to play more like a Dark Ranger, which will definitely pull me in.

As for the obsession with making SV melee, I feel like that overall - it’s not a big deal. Most players are going to run BM or MM anyway, the niche community on SV shouldn’t be an issue. But what Hunter needs is an offspec that isn’t pure damage. I wish Blizzard would add more hybrid specs to the game overall, kinda like Augmentation Evoker.

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I don’t think hero talents enable cross speccing. Remember, the only example we have seen so far is a more lightning VFX on Avatar as well as Stormbolt hitting 3 targets instead of 1

common bepples L

Until Dragonflight, I was a survival hunter since day 3 of vanilla. I used to dual wield the BWL axes and offtank UBRS.

I’ve always envisioned Survival as a combination of The Predator and Rambo. The ability to avoid damage through camouflages, elaborate traps, and explosives.

This obsession with making hunters the carry all for elf/night elf fantasy of bow and arrow specialists or animal husbandry experts has been frustrating when you have guns and bombs in the game.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting something different from the “stand in the back and fire different shots” role out of the class.

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No you didn’t lmao

Hunters have used guns and bombs as well? No one’s against that. Some are against Survival not having a ranged weapon like the rest of the class.

There is when ranged weapons are the central pillar of the Hunter class identity.

This is a terrible idea. The Hunter class identity is entirely built on being a damage dealer. It’s not something that remotely fits tanking and healing, and that’s as far separated from the expectations of most Hunter players as possible.

The ranged SV spec it replaced was absolutely not niche so it’s a huge issue. Making SV melee was ruinous to the spec; it doomed it to niche obscurity forever. It was damaging to the class as a whole because it diluted its identity and restricted its ability to explore ranged weapon concepts.


Since you came into my thread because you think Classic = vanilla since the beginning, once again here’s the original talent tree.


Notice the Survival tree has literally ZERO ranged abilities in it? It’s all enhancing traps, enhancing dodge/parry, and a talent entitled MELEE SPECIALIZATION.

Take the L.

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BM also had zero ranged abilities. Was it, too, melee?

Or maybe the specs were the same identity and playstyle between them and the specs only provided passive, situational boosts? Like the situational melee improvements for PvP usage?

reminder that 2004 game design is not a basis that we should look onto a full 20 years later

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SV mains are fanfic writers change my mind

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Fanfic for what? If you’re making a claim then narrow it down. Are you saying they write Sonic FanFic?

No, the Hunter class identity is a descendant of the Rangers from common media, often depicted as protectors of the wild, slayers of great beasts, amazing trackers, folk heroes, and survivalists of even the most rugged terrain. This also includes minor healing magics or concoctions made of local herbs and roots to tend venoms and wounds that a Ranger might come across, because there’s no doctor in the wilds, and self sufficiency is essential. Robin Hood, Legolas, Aragorn, all fit the Ranger archetype in a way. You can effectively play a Hunter in D&D by choosing the Beastmaster subclass. And Rangers all have access to healing spells, and even some druidic spells as well, though not to the highest level.
To say that Rangers and Hunters aren’t related, is what I’d consider the highest level of ignorance one could even fathom. That’s like saying Mongols didn’t use bows, they only used horseback archery, which “isn’t the same thing.”
And before you say “Hunters aren’t based on Rangers!”, well I guess Paladins aren’t based on Paladins, Mages aren’t based on Wizards, Priests aren’t based on Priests, Rogues aren’t based on Rogues, despite all of these classes having spells or flat abilities that one could say is outright ripped from DnD. What a joke.

This just leads back into my first point. DnD Hunters are based off of Rangers from common media. Rangers excel at sword play, archery, beast mastery, surviving the wilds, and using one’s environment to their advantage. When a Hunter is in a survival situation, a spear may be the first weapon they craft. It’s fine to have variety. It’s literally a hunter. Sometimes you use spears to hunt.


what does this even mean lol

The three specs of the Hunter Class had three core abilities native to the Class:
They had access to and could use traps.
They could tame wild animals, which then would run with them as pets, under their control.
They could equip ranged weapons.
A Marks or Beastmaster can do their job and never leave melee . a Survival Hunter can’t play ranged and do theirs. Thats a big difference.
Marks hasn’t been right since Survival went melee. I don’t know why that is, but its true.

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