Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

I didn’t get the blood thirsty monster vibe from the Iron Horde.

More of your typical warmongering nation.
The Orcs after the Fel Corruption were literal monsters who butchered for the fun of it. Their behavior comparable to some of the darkest incidents of our human history but the fel tainted Orcs became a regular occurence.

The Orcs in WoD were just a hostile conquering army of baddies. We didn’t see the greenskin Horde of the original timeline.


The Horde will rise again and defeat the alliance scum. Then we can finally rule Azeroth on our own without night elves, humans or Draenei being able to do anything about it. Lok’tar!

Because you can still do good even if you have a genetic inclination to evil violence?

But yes this is a large Horde criticism of WoD

They basically retcon’d WC3 and added some incorrect variation of Original Sin


What was ret conned?

The Orcs were always warlike and violent.


Scroll up and you’ll get your answer

I don’t really see that as a retcon. It would be a mistake to cast ideology as an immutable racial characteristic.

Bloodlust is a behavioral state not an ideology

It was a product of fel corruption

It is now a genetic disposition


Saurfang’s arc in BfA was his realization that what was wrong with the horde, was the orcish warrior cult. Its not evil, its just delusional. There is no such thing as honor and glory in war. Only objectives and atrocities. Every war is a means to an end and the ends rarely justify the means.


The Orcs in the original lore before WoD didn’t need demon blood to be led into this either - they were manipulated into war and the demon blood came later. WoD was a natural extension of that.

Also, Mawthorne is 100% correct.



Warlike warrior culture is a cultural aspect

BLOODLUST, ie the loss of control due to rage, was a product of fel corruption that WoD retcon’d to be inherent to orcs without the demon blood.


I feel like you’re defining bloodlust in a particular way that neither is what is commonly understood to be bloodlust nor what is portrayed in WoD.

When Grom says that the Orcs will be conquerors, that is not the product of rage - that’s ambition and ideology.


Kyalin bloodlust is a state in the lore

We’ve had this conversation on at least 3 separate occasions

It was retcon’d to be natural rather than a product of demonic corruption

When did they retcon that? I thought that was like… a core aspect of the racial. Next its going to be “the orcish horde that came through the dark portal changed to green skin to camouflage into the forests, to better kill night elves… because Blizzard hates night elves.”

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In WoD

As I’ve said

Now six times :upside_down_face:

We haven’t had this conversation before actually. Maybe you had it with someone else, but not me.

I also don’t see the point in conflating the Blood Fury racial with the abstract concept of Bloodlust that was being referred to. I’m not honestly sure what would lead you down this path unless you’re making connections between the spell and the Orcish way of life that aren’t established in the lore.


Kyalin we literally have, just read what Gantrithor wrote.

It’s okay to be wrong about a race and faction you don’t play.

Scroll down to the “Rise of the Horde” section, Gantrithor, and note the timeline.

@ Baalsamael, you too. Note when Mannoroth’s blood enters the equation.


Orcs have always been a warrior culture

The original lore stated that orc Bloodlust (the state) was caused by Manoroth’s blood.

Warrior culture is not the same as that magical bloodlust frenzy.

WoD changed it so that this uncontrollable frenzy was genetic and inherent to the race without the demon blood.


Thank you for validating Smalloiz’s point and mine. This is all that was being said. It is not a surprise then or a retcon, that WoD would feature that warrior culture acting in the way that warrior cultures do.