Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

We will defeat the alliance and raze all your cities to the ground. No mercy.


Ardenweald theater could’ve been a start of something interesting. And it isn’t.

When it turned out that characters like Old Emma could be found in Oribos, one of topics of discussion was “will we travel across the afterlives with Fiona’s caravan”.

Oh well. Maybe someday the devs will actually admit that there are things they do reasonably well. And would focus on those things rather than trying to do stuff that falls flat.

gl hf


Hey, didn’t the High Elves do that to the trolls and then actively(opposed to passive luring them like the Draenei) summoned the Legion back in? Pretty sure you’ve gone on record that you want Kael back too… Guess you’re jelly the Draenei are better at doing things than the Blood Elves.


The Draenei will die. Just like all the other alliance scum. No mercy. No peace. No compromise. Lok’tar!

Hmm … what are you going to do when you’ve finished eating wood on Kalimdor and the hungry orcs turn their sights on the gardens of Silvermoon City?

I want to meet Erevien in real life. I am sure he is a character created by a mad art student to explore the deepest psyche of man to prepare for their indie theater role.

There is no other explanation.


Who said praising? I said speaking more highly of. Second paragraph, post below yours. Its even starting to happen on the salt mine that is the forums.

It’s like this every expansion. Nothing new. Only expansion I have seen break the cycle is WoD.

speak highly of (someone or something)

To enthusiastically endorse someone or something; to extol the virtues, benefits, or good qualities of someone or something. Our manager has spoken highly of these new developers.

Sure sounds like praising…

Yes, but since we are literate we know that the term ‘more’ effects the meaning. So to speak more highly of would mean to to endorse good qualities of something to a greater additional amount or degree than previously. Extoking it’s virtues would similarly be innacurate. Unless you are asserting that bfa was more popular during nazjatar than it is with nostalgia glasses ob?

I’m going to assume you understand the term ‘more’ as you are able to competently operate a computer, and were just choosing to ignore its effects on the meaning of the sentence because you would like to argue. My initial post has already been demonstrated to be true in this topic. You arguing just almost further lends credence to my initial statement. Salt mines man.

I got big ol thumbs, I’m not fixing typographical errors

Indeed we do but you failed to mention exactly WHAT is being spoken highly of in comparison to BFA. Most people don’t seem to have completely checked out with the Shadowlands story. Nobody cares.

But being mad about the story? well nothing makes players rage like BFA.

And yet you persistently fail to mention these qualities but adamant they exist and the community is now in agreement of how much better BFA did X or Y… whatever these are that you refuse to name.

Several people have already asked what you are talking about but you continue to assert this notion that BFA is now more popular than it was initially received.
We are all at the edge of our seats waiting for you to enlighten us with this knowledge, oh Prometheus. Grace us with your wisdom.

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Thats because I’m not stating my opinion of bfa or talking about individual qualities. I feel like my little statement in the OP is pretty straight forward and easy to comprehend.

No one has asked what I am talking about in a literal sense. Some people have stated they disagree but I already addressed that.

Still refusing to point out what specific things the community has suddenly decided to praise and fawn over now that Shadowlands is the hot new item on the block to hate on.


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Again, we want whatever good stuff your taking bud. It must be some high quality stuff because nobody on here is praising or speaking highly of BfA.

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“All the zones on Kul Tiras and Zandalar were pretty cool, and had fans.” -Cursewords

Like I said - its literally in the post right below yours. 3 likes on that comment as well. 1 out of 3 of the people that responded to my post had something positive to say about bfa. I dont save chat logs from general and trade, that would be weird. Arguing in the forums is like playing chess with pigeons They knock over all the pieces, poop on the board, and then strut around like they won.

I haven’t said anything new or presented any new info since I don’t know, like my 3rd post. I am going to stop now as I am just repeating myself. If you have a point to argue, reread the thread. It’s all self-contained in here.

I just can’t really get behind the whole concept. The afterlife? Really? Make sure you get good clearance over that shark.

Like, going to a new place and pledging your allegiance to one of the factions is great, but it’d be better served as an “other side of Azeroth” expac where you join one of four Vrykul clans or something.


It’s easier to believe when you don’t think of the Shadowlands as literally “the afterlife” in the same context that we think of it. I’ve come to see it more like just another Dimension to reality.

Oddly enough, it makes me think of Space Jam where the two realities are separated by a vague bountry that can be crossed but shouldn’t be.

Here’s why I think SL is falling flat despite having decent enough writing and characters:

  1. Lingering resentment over BFA’s turd of a story

  2. Blizzard failed hard to build up the Shadowlands denizens as opponents we’d look forward to displacing pre-expansion. The Jailer? Who? Helyawn? And everyone’s bored with Sylvanas…

  3. Lack of working with our factions. Legion was the only other expansion where we weren’t primarily working with our factions and pushing those stories further, and Legion’s class halls were cooler than the Covenants, and most people were thrilled to work with their classes’ heroes.

  4. Golden fatigue. The same characters get used over and over and over and over and over. Jaina and Anduin can go away forever, pls.

  5. Entirely failing to capitalize on many actually dead characters players would want to interact with. Is it cool to see Kael back in some form? Yes. he’s the only one I can think of that I’ve actually worked with (Its been awhile since I played retail so I might be missing a few, especially from the other 3 covenants).

  6. The patches are taking too long and the general frustration with the game is spreading to the story


So the funniest thing ever happened during my bann

I realized that I have forgotten 90% of wow lore due to playing on a certain server where i can decide to Implement my own lore as canon And create my own zones etc.

Anyway as a Consequence of this I had forgotten how TRULY terrible Retails lore has gotten, and yes that is coming from someone who has been playing classic for a couple of months now solely, at best I kept up with doing the Emissaries on Retail, But not on one character… no on 12 characters And I did all of them for like 4 days or so (6 x emissaries) And that was a painful event.

So I saw the latest cinematic


ALL THIS TIME I HAVE been UNDERESTIMATING it I legit thought it was better than this for months. then I saw this clip as well

It put me off playing the game entirely.

And I realized this is literally the first time that I dont want to touch the game Because of the lore.

Like it affected it so negatively It swept away the FOMO and the nostalgia.

Do note this just applies to retail


You say alien colonizers who brought the Legion to Draenor, I say alien refugees fleeing the Legion who fell victim to a racial supremacist Orc empire then decided to get back at them with a holy war.


The Draenei will be wiped out.

It is what the deserve for dooming countless worlds on their voyage.