It’s home. I rarely make it past the first hour or so of other MMOs. The only other MMO I loved was Star Wars: Galaxies, but the Devs killed it.
spells and abilities do feel very impactful.
without being the blurry screen ultra-flashy azn-style combat.
WoW was not an “instant success” and it didn’t have 11 millions players 20 years ago.
The 11 million (I think it’s actually 12) happened during WotlK. That’s when WoW had the most success. Vanilla WoW and the beginning of BC weren’t that big. Yes, it was a huge MMO at the time, but not a lot of people actually played Vanilla compared to Wrath.
Pretty much what you said tbh. Created this account in late 05. But didn’t play it much at all. Leveled an orc warrior to around 25 then bailed on the game lol. To tedious, and annoying to me. Started playing it again after a few of my irl friends started playing mid TBC years, I guess. But yeah, Wrath was when this game was at its peak. Sadly, my irl friends haven’t played since og wrath ended, so I kind of just do my own thing in this game nowadays.
I have no idea. I mean I left to go play FFXIV to pretty much completion and yet here I am waiting on Dawntrail to release but still playing WoW. I guess despite everything I still like the World building and all the lore. I love my Eastern fantasy to bits but sometimes you just want some Western fantasy.
Its a very useful quote lol
I’m obsessed bc it’s fun. If it wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t play.
I give no flying fish. If I like something, I stick with it. Period.
I’m 6 years older than WoW and it’s been 12yrs for me. It’s always going to be new content that brings fresh air into the game especially new players, returning players and current players that make the game captivating, plus I like the Dracthyr more
They said cute, not terrifying.
Edit: Don’t you even reply with something snarky you tin monstrosity.
I have not played wow in months, only resubbed for the plunder mode. And my life is better for it. Truth is, WoW sucks. It does. The community has destroyed the game with min maxing, the developers hold their customers in contempt and make changes just for the sake of making the game less fun.
You have people cheating in all forms, with money, bots, wall hacks, etc. and blizzard does nothing.
The end game is designed and balanced around less than 100 people. (Who the hell thinks forcing 20 man in 2024 is still a good idea?).
This is the reality. Wow is horrible and is no longer worth even the 20$ a month they request.
Maybe like 1 or 2…
But not really.
You think the rest of that 7.25M is all classic players?
You have no idea what you are talking about
Like you said, WoW was released 20 years ago making it nostalgic. People eat up nostalgia because it reminds many of simpler times. WoW is, and always will be, nostalgia driven
This is such a massive understatement about what WoW was. Everquest, the big dog at the time, peaked at 550k active subscribers in 2003/4
Vanilla before BC in 2006 had 6mil.
Even if it had 2 million that is still “Millions” lol.