Imagine willingly torturing yourself by subjecting yourself to E3 every year. /j
have u ever seen World of Warcraft addict
its a news story covering a teen who is addicted to world of warcraft back in the mid 2000s
The moment I saw Alastor I knew it would be that line.
As far as the topic- when I think of playing other MMOs, I want to find one I like. But WoW just has so much better things going on - and I have years and years of stuff! Not to mention a decent amount of gold to make the most of my time.
Star Wars Galaxies was ahead of its time. It had amazing character customization options. It had player housing. You could build structures in the environment, even have small hubs in the wilderness built by players. Dancing/Music was a blown out Class/Skill tree, and it was useful. I think the monthly subscription price kept rising, and the requirements were getting rough for my budget, so I fell out. And now it’s gone.
LOTR had a lot but it was a bit rough. The music was awesome. I really felt like I was there seeing the sights. But the visuals are dated, the in game systems were complex and overloaded. I couldn’t get into playing it.
SWTOR felt too much like a single player rpg for me. I didn’t like a lot of the systems in the game either.
Elder Scroll, like the previous two I mentioned, has great lore and settings, but the game play does not compare.
FF14- I could go on forever about why I wouldn’t play that game. The visual style feels like Dragonball Z threw up on Sailor Moon and spawned some sort of offspring. No thank you.
For many, I’d imagine it’s due to the amount of time and effort they’ve invested in the game to the point where they’re unwilling to abandon it, and would rather “tough out” the low points rather than quit and start over in another game.
Graphics are nice
Movement is fluid
Combat is well-tuned and fluid
Colorful displays
Chat system is good and inclusive
The game runs like a well-tuned watch
All this overcomes the negatives …
You can actually outlevel the entire world during an expac, leaving you hanging around a central hub awaiting dailes you’ve repeated a hundred times.
Parts of the world are dead, empty. In fact the game doesn’t feel like a world much anymore.
Stuff like Plunderstorm is gamey, not world-like.
The positives outweigh the negatives but overall satisfaction is suffering.
At this point, WoW is just an old faithful. Every new element they add is relatively easy to understand, easy to determine whether it’s “necessary” or just for fluff, or just for min maxing.
I honestly just do not feel like learning in the ins and outs of another mmo. I tried FF for a few weeks…and wasn’t pulled in at all. Tried some others too.
Besides. WoW’s combat is VERY fluid, while most other MMOs tend to have very clunky combat. One thing Blizz does well is combat. Even D4, which got crapped on by a lot of people, has some smooth as butter combat – very satisfying.
For me, it is the artwork.
During my two year break I tried other fantasy MMO games and the artwork never allowed me to immerse myself in the World, typically because it is too realistic and gritty-looking.
On the other hand, WoW has a bright and whimsical look and feel to their artwork that I always pictured for a fantasy world.
If this is a serious question, it’s honestly probably WoW’s combat. No game does combat like WoW in a lot of situations.
…That’s very questionable in WoW.
Well tuned and fluid here is also questionable.
/cough Election Year.
Actually who i’m kidding, it’s always been bad. Sans for the Chuck Norris jokes.
…Well it is a video game.
none have larger-scale raiding.
Rift did. it’s dead now.
I mean their earnings reports fully tell you they have more than 2 million active subs at any given point…
Over 400 days /played cannot ever truly be stepped away from, at least for me. To say nothing of the incredible influence WoW has had on my life in general.
Heck my fursona is heavily based on my Pandaren and I use that handle everywhere, including IRL on occasion.
It’s because none of them are any good, or even close to WoW quality.
F2P also sucks in general.
its a mix of stockholm syndrome and nostalgia.
Responsive combat, variety of specs, good memories.
There’s challenge when I want it and relaxation when I need it.
Got some friends who still play so it’s something we can talk about in between real life BS.
I’d like the next set of expansions to have a much darker tone. DF was a little too cutesy for me. I want to see murder, politics, and consequences for our character‘s actions in the story.
I also want the ability to name my mount.
How do you define failure? No question MMOs are a distant second to Social Media but there are millions of people playing these games. How is that a failure?
Despite its flaws, It’s still fun.
Fun is good.
Interaction with others