Why are people making memes of this?

I am not. No one here seems to be smart enough to understand what rage does to someone.

So this is pointless for me to continue to talk to all of these walls that will not listen.

Good luck to you all in your continued ignorance, I suppose.

Or die by arrows… like occasionally we’re told they’re magic enchanted arrows designed to kill that sort of thing… but usually 3/4 times they’re just arrows…

I’ve been enraged several times…which usually makes me MORE likely to kill someone… not less.

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Maybe it wasn’t undead then.

False flag by the Alliance?

Wrong again. It’s the exact oposite. In lore they don’t breathe. You can’t argue against it. Even your strange quote is stating they don’t need to brath for days. Days. Every other time it’s desciribed they don’t breath, it’s in the novels, they could walk under the ocean if they want etc.

Also “An entire battalion of Forsaken forces swam ashore in the dead of night, survivors from the battle at sea. It seems they are impossible to drown.


Underwater Breathing is a passive. Since the undead are not alive, they can breathe underwater. This effectively makes a Forsaken’s breath last for 10 minutes.


They don’t need air.

No. I don’t understand becoming an idiot after 10.000 years of a warrior with a dagger on your belt. That’s not how anything works. Grabing your dagger is something almost instinctual for a trained warrior.
There is really no defense for it.

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I am not being ignorant. It’s just you are clearly wrong. :man_shrugging:


Right? lol yeah none of it is very consistent ;D

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Because it’s funny.

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As an undead, will you die in game if you stay underwater too long?

David Carradine enters the thread

No, but they can also be silenced and asphyxiated via DK Force Grip. So maybe Tyrande was just trying to get a more “hands on” approach to shackle undead!


Back when Forsakened characters could drown, it was basically explained as your body falling apart in the water, rather than a lack of breath.

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I love those memes. This is my personal favorite one.


who would though that part of the show becomes a meme

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What’s that from?

invincible on amazon prime

I get it and it’s perfection

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Thanks Myth! Outta likes :blue_heart:

NP! Thanks for gettin’ me savvy, too

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The meme? It’s from a Amazon Prime series called “Invincible”.

Doh! Someone said it before me xD

Sylvanas’ plot armor almost makes her–

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