Why are people making memes of this?

Really? You don’t get why choking an undead is stupid? This meme is simply saying how awful this moment and the whole fight was. The writing is terribly bad.
And no Tyrande was not trying “to break her spine” (and “crushing her windpipe” would also do nothing).

That aside:
Famous archers, not really using their bows a lot.
Tyrande throwing her glaives away. Both of them.
Tyrande not using her dagger.
Chocking an undead.
Jumping silly in to the air instead of using starfall.
Denying Elune her wrath.

In fact, no they don’t and yes that’s in the lore.


you can make anything into a meme if u try hard enough thats the beauty of memes

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Only for the sake of speaking, which considering Sylvanas could still speak in this cutscene, is also unnecessary, undead sufficient in the arcanum can still speak magically without breathing.

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You are wrong. They do in fact breathe.

Some undead feel the need to breathe, though they can last at least a dozen days without taking a fresh breath of air

This comes from this item:


so if they can last a few days without breathing, why choke? she wont die by choking for atleast a couple days.


Please read above. And as I have said countless times…

Tyrande wasn’t trying to kill her by choking her.

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what was tyrande doing then? holding her neck gently?




Sorry that’s wrong. Undead in lore don’t need any air at all, they don’t breathe. There are also Alliance quests about it, it’s mentioned in novels etc.

Of course she was. What else? Not a single defense of this makes any sense. None.

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What was tyrande doing then? Just admiring how sylvana cant breathe?


“Some undeath feel the need to breathe, though they can last at least a dozen days without taking a fresh breath of air, depending of the type of undeath but as they are undead, they don’t need air to live”-Official source in lore.

Also that’s not how you break someone’s neck…

Yes. She. Was.

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TYRANDE. Elf Biology Grade F tried to choke a un dead elf … suggestion summer school to re learn biology.

Here’s an example of choking to kill. Notice the hand of the victim where its located. This gif is from a movie called curse of frankenstien or w/e btw.

No look at this. Notice the hand of the victim. Idk about you thats pretty solid evidence. that tyrande was indeed choking her to kill.


It’s not wrong. It’s in the game and the lore. Please read carefully where it says SOME and that they can go for a dozen days without a fresh breath.

OMG do you all not understand rage??? Tyrande slammed her down and had her pinned, the rage building so far that she was pushing down on Sylvanas not to choke her but because her anger had built up so much. She could have crushed her but it was just the rage of finally having a hold of her.

This is not difficult, people. :woman_facepalming:

Rage is the motivator for the action. I do indeed understand rage, and by the looks of it rage is the motive and reason for her choking her to kill not realizing it wont kill an undead for days.


You’re still incorrect, and again…crushing her windpipe wouldn’t do anything either…

“Being an undead has advantages such as dismemberment not being enough to be killed. Some can also reattach their limbs and joints,or replace their body parts by harvesting and sewing on the body parts of others,) eat other humanoids and undead,and drain the life force of others. If you want to truly kill an undead for sure, you have to burn the remains of a destroyed body.”-lore sources

enraged or not, she’s terrible at killing people… just use the Wrath fires of Elune… plain and simple.


He’s also deader than her in every way.

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The meme originated from the Amazon Prime video series “Invincible” definitely worth a watch.

Of all things that don’t make sense, people are talking about choking undead? I mean the fact that undead can die alone is ridiculous. If they can die to a monk punch to the face, why the heck can’t they be choked to death?


Saurfang killed one by breaking it’s neck. I was like m’key.

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