Why are people excited about SL Ret?

No no leap yet unless they just released the last two covenant ability. We are talking about just giving paladins a leap in general.

[Door of Shadows]Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.
35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 1 min cooldown

Well if they give it to us like this then hopefully it will be baseline ability

This is baseline with the Venthyr covenant

Well i mean after the expansion hopefully it becomes baseline

Oh! I see

I don’t think so

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Never know. But it is alpha so who knows whats going to stay or change

But to have that you have to play with the worst convenant spell ashen hollow or something.

They really need to do an entire redesign of that one

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Not sure they need to do a full redesign, though that couold work. In my opinion the healing aspect of it is kinda weird, most of all being split I think between targets inside it. What if they made it that it gave a stacking shield that delayed X damage being applied to the target for Y seconds kinda like stagger for monks?

That could be useful in some situations, even if you did not stay inside it, but stayed close enough that you could jump into the field to get afew stacks of the damage delaying shield when needed. This could help healers even if everyone were high on hp compared to the field healing, as the shield is still functioning outside the field.

With every new build I’m more and more relieved I didn’t preorder the expansion. If that’s how they gonna release ret and spriest, then I’m going back to play other games. Ridiculous.


I remember loving Obliterate as well. For me it wasn’t the damage entirely though, it was the sudden Proc of it. I think the proc even increased the damage of it. It was very satisfying to get that proc graphics and Obliterate would light up and pressing that button would do a huge crit. Just doing obliterate wasn’t nearly as enticing.

The point being, the class design is more important than just a pure number. While TV hits hard, the design around is a bit mundane.

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I am still utterly baffled that there are so few posts in the paladin alpha forum. Must be fun to play paladins.
On a more serious note: people can’t tell me they are content with the talents we have now in alpha…THREE holy power spenders that act as damage buffs…E4E, which I to this day see absolutely no use for. Even in PvP against a warrior I take reduced cooldown on SoV and bubble all day every day. It’s…I just don’t know how this is going to pan out.
I don’t want to rely again on rental powers (covenant abilities, legendaries, whatever).
Our PvP talents need heavy work, too.


I know…we are so few

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You guys should give more feedback or pick the feed back you believe useful and post it on the alpha forum!

I believe healing hands and JV should be deleted and changed into 2 new talents

Last word
WoG used on targets below 35% max health has 60% increased crit chance. Additionally, using wog on allies has 50% additional healing/or make an absorb equal to 50% of the healing done.

And another talent that reduces the cooldown of shield of vengeance to 1.5min but you are able to use it on allies.

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Didn’t want to blame you.
Paladin is one of the most played classes, so I guess there must be many paladins in alpha. Either they like what they got or people don’t reflect about the class.
Either we are vocal NOW or sh*t goes live AGAIN.


yeah the ret feedback is so weak it’s a bit amusing at this point.

no mention of anything that has been said here aside from a copy paste feedback-ish from the HoW discord paladin.


Paladins have had amazing tank and heal specs for many, many expansions. Ret is known for its amazing burst. I am sorry but it can never be top tier dps otherwise the class will just be too OP. Middle of the pack sustained is where it belongs.

why would ret need to belong middle of the pack? I believe there should just be a rotation to allow people to be top once in a while. Ret latest time being top dps was in nighthold.

That’s why monthly class tuning were healthy from the game. Allowed some specs to shine for a tier or 2. But in BFA they are doing 0 class tuning at all.

Right now ret is bottom 5.


Ret is lower middle, and has been there for about 90% of the lifespan of the game, where the other 10% consisted of dead last in Vanilla and near-top in early WotLK. Which I am fine with mostly, since I no longer do high-end or mythic raiding. I don’t have to compete with broken classes for a raid spot. (Although I might as well not exist when trying to do M+)

The WotLK Ret killed any chance of being a top spec again. The belief that “hybrid” classes should be intentionally inferior was somehow still a player mindset and the flow of tears from people getting a Ret beatdown on meters was heavy. I recall running Ulduar in 3.1 post-nerf with full tier 7 and a betrayer of humanity and being utterly useless.

Right now Ret has a -27% damage modifier to most of our damage spells, excluding TV and DS. Even if that aura was lifted entirely we still wouldn’t compete with Destro Warlocks (-12% aura) or Fire Mages (-6% aura)…but that’s what the auras are for. They can easily tune or fix classes but refuse to do so.

I’m not saying every class should just do the same DPS value either. There should be clear strengths to certain specs. More mobility should do less damage on a stationary target than a mobile spec. If a class is tankier or has many defensive abilities they should be less mobile. ect. There is no excuse for a Havoc DH to beat out a WW Monk in every scenario. There is no excuse for it… and with spec auras for balancing it’s clear that the decisions (or lack thereof) is either class bias or extreme laziness.


To be fair there has been several posts that have highlighted issues for the past few weeks and nothing’s changed. Until Blizzard acknowledges or acts on that feedback, there’s no point and continuing to provide the same feedback. Druids have gotten detailed responses to why changes were made and how they think things should go etc, but it’s been otherwise pretty much blanket silence across the rest of the classes and very little changes for classes each week as the alpha is updated. So for now we wait to see if they just haven’t gotten to paladins or new alpha players need to provide their own feedback if they feel they have something different to add.