Why are people excited about SL Ret?

As I have posted above if you want seals back tweet Ion the links are above tell him you want seals back.

Its possible it was done on account of holy/prot now having holy power. Maybe 5 instant HP for them is too much for the sake of balance, idk. Maybe the same for WoG hitting 3 targets. I’m not sold on ret being improved yet. LoH isn’t a fun enough ability that I want to talent around it. I’d rather talent around WoG but better than baseline BFA WoG.

Pretty sure only Ret will have Wake of Ashes.


I don’t know, as often as I use LoH in group content I would love to have an even lower cd.

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ah you’re right I had to re-read that… thought Wake was going baseline. oops.

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It seems highly unlikely that I get to keep all of my things, get more things, and not have any change to the spec.

I mained Fury for awhile (character select is bugged) and it is certainly an enjoyable but furious rotation and rampage does feel great to press!

However, in this game nothing feels as great as ‘feeding the beast’ and chunking people with TV’s (I wish we could burn 5 Holy Power to make it even bigger!). IF it means our other attacks hit for less then I am all for that play-style personally. In saying that Crusader Strike hitting for less than an auto is a bit dumb.

Its what I miss about 2H Frost DK’s big obliterates was were the fun was for me bit moving to DW moved me onto a new class pretty quick.

It is baseline for ret.

2h frost is returning my man .

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Yes it is and its exciting, but the Obliterate damage has been left at the door.

Well they changed how oblit works with killing machine that it turns into frost dmg

Yes, and sims from Alpha still have Obliterates damage is an unsatisfactory % of the total damage output.

That said, lets not hijack this thread haha.

Agreed that the damage is crap but it is still just alpha…That being said I do agree lets not hijack this. I am intrested in both dk and paladin as I want to dps and be off tank for my guild. so am watching both. Damn system keeps messing up my post

All Blizz needs to do is change retribution aura to do what vision of perfection does now and give us long arm of the law back and all will be well with the universe.


I still say we need a leap like the crusader from d3. Long arm is ok but I am thinking more a long the lines for tanking thats why I suggest a leap or something like that.

Scrap t15 talents because they all do nothing, exe sentence baseline.

Long arm of the law + emancipate baseline. Put 3 talents in the tier 15, Pursuit of Justice(replacing long arm of the law), a leap/charge whatever you want it to be, divine steed + cavalier merged into a talent so those wanting to keep the knight flavor keep it.


I agree I loved Long arm of the law and Emancipate. I came up with the idea for a leap a while ago while tanking. watching warriors charge or leap in, monks dragon kick in and dks just pull everything togeather. This is why I say we needed a leap. Not for pvp which it would help but I was looking at the tanking aspect that we have to bust our cd to charge in on steed to get to a group fast.

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For ret I got an idea the other day since we’re needing a spell ring of peace / ursoc vortex style for pvp and mythic+.

You launch a weapon to the target location within 30yards all enemies that step into the targeted location get a small dot for 8seconds. Activating this ability again will teleport all enemies hit by the dot to your location and be snared by 90% for 3seconds.

We’re lacking a mobs controlling spells to make us viable in mythic+ and that’s a really good utility spell that’s not really mobility for pvp.

Well blizzard was goign to give us a leap but people complained it was too complicated. Apperantly you hit a button dropped a sword at a targeted location and then hit the button again and we would leap to the sword or what ever it was. Now that does seem overly complicated. Why not just give us a leap like the crusader in d3 for all 3 specs.

For tanks have it do some holy dmg and gather major threat, For ret have it do aoe dmg and stun, root, or pull in all targets in an 8 yd range. and for Holy have it do an aoe heal to all allies in range.

Or have that so when prot leaps it pulls in all targets while doing some holy damg and have ret paladins just do a stun so that way they are brought together and stunned.

Also came up with an interesting ability for paladins where we pop wings and we jump up in the air and throw our hammer of wrath down at our target doing massive holy damage. Keep it an execute but give Hammer of wrath a new visual or flavor.

This way if there is a crap mechanic and steed is down or if they give us long arm and emancipate back and those are down all 3 specs have a way to escape and holy has a way to do an ohh crap heal to team mates around in that situation.

The one covenant ability is basically a leap? Hoping it just happens to coincide with the BiS covenant.