Why are people even allowed to talk in solo

It feels like I’m playing solo shuffle as a healer all I get is abused.


The only talking I have seen is in the lobby. For the most part there wasn’t anything said that was out of line. Some folks complaining about the grind. Others talking about being close to done.

One guy told pirate jokes.

I have never seen anyone say anything during the game.


If the storm is too far away and I’ve collected a good chunk of plunder, I’ll run up to a lower level and ask them to kill me. It’s a pretty handy feature.


Padgarre says what he wants!

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So far I haven’t noticed anyone saying anything to me but then again there’s a good chance I would miss it if they did. I barely even look at the chat during a game.

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How do you get abused?

All I’ve ever gotten is a guy going “Wtf” at my hunters chain pull into earthbreaker combo.

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The only time I saw someone speak was in the final fight and he was begging people to let him win for the achievement.

Love it, did everyone nuke him?

He got absolutely wasted by a Mecha Gnome as everyone saw his simple and forceful response: No.


I had one case where, in the lobby, a person started name-calling and mildly harassing over a simple question about the rewards from the renown track. Beyond that, mostly what I’ve seen is astonishingly civil given the PvP mode. I personally would run up to someone and say ‘Sacrifice <3’ or ‘Willing sacrifice :)’ after hitting my plunder goal for a game. On one occassion where I was PvPing and really trying to see how long I could make it, I killed a player and got a whisper from them telling me GG. One of the two times I made it to 2nd place, when my strategy to try and win didn’t work (I wanted to see if I could win without PvP with the boat item) I said GG and got ‘Gg <3’ back (I gave them the win, not because I didn’t want to fight but because my strategy didn’t work and I felt I wouldn’t deserve the win in this case if I did somehow beat them, since my entire game that round was to see how far I could get by not PvPing).

Honestly, as far as chatting in the mode goes, I’ve had experiences where it seems more polite and civil than a WoW BG. This shocked me, as I expected a BR gamemode where everyone is fighting each other to be incredibly toxic as far as communications go. I was pleasantly surprised that, even when the mode itself felt a little frustrating at times with some dirty killshots (that I know are required to make it to end-game), communications never left me feeling bad or wanting to not play the game.

I did see last night someone typed FU to a streamer who was playing the game just before the streamer killed him… other than that haven’t seen it myself in game…

Because the fellow who was screaming “I eat cardboard” yesterday just had to let it out.

In the lobby before a match started, someone threatened to report anyone who ran away from them or didn’t fight back.

In another lobby, someone was demanding for people to leave the match if they were going to run away and not do the match ‘correctly’.

I don’t think I’ve seen much productive lobby talk, lol.

It is funny. I never even realized there was a chat window.

I was so ADD focused on the game itself while trying to avoid cat debuffs.

Now I know to look for it.

I remember pointing out that you can either sacrifice yourself to the stormwall or Leave Game if you want to deny loot to gankers in one lobby.

…only for someone in the lobby to immediately whisper me with a paragraph of how they’re going to sexually violate me in ‘new and interesting’ ways.

Yeah… <_<

Praised be the Stormwall!

Dang. That’s hyper-toxic. I hope you reported it, but I won’t ask if you did.

I was level 6 with good abilities and ran up to a low level and said “kill me – i gotta go bio” so that was a nice treat for us both IMO.

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Yes, I did. Thank god the report interface works in Plunderstorm. <_<