Why are Nerubians and Kobolds being rehabilitated in the lore?

Only Forsaken Warlocks were given the quest to do that. Technically Orcs could do that quest too, but they were given a different one. The other versions of the quest are far more morally neutral

Don’t think there’s any evil classes. Only some classes act as anti-heroes at most. And even then they still have the same ends by DESIGN.

valid, honestly didn’t know that. i only remember doing it on horde warlocks.

that’s why i put ‘evil’ in quotation marks. i just don’t think the mmo part of the rpg really makes it viable to have a bunch of evil player characters, unless they’re their own faction.

I think it’s also just how old the game is too. Because games like The Old Republic do you let you play a pretty evil/heartless character, even as a Republic character


yeah, it’s possible the stomachs of audiences have changed. or maybe the esrb became more stringent, or the writers just genuinely stopped liking the process of those quests. idk. i miss some of 'em, though. it’s kinda fun being a baddie in azeroth.


I think it’s also a result of the move away from racial starting zones.

Being despicable made sense as a story beat for Undead. Being unscrupulous made sense as a story beat for playing a goblin. Those racial starting quest chains were full of world building and informed the audience quite a bit about the culture of those races. Now it’s just the same starting zone with a different colored tabard to buy depending on what “faction” your class’s meta racial ability belongs to.


yeah, i concur. it’s a real shame. some portion of the copium i huff is the thought that the writers are basically going more for vertical writing in the game, whereas it used to be more lateral and therefore seemed richer. the homogenization of the factions into monocultures hugely sucks, and considering the story beats we’re getting are are eliciting strong, enthusiastic ‘mehs’ from me at best, i do wish they’d remember the appeal of their former ethos.


Have to keep in mind that a portion of WoWs playerbase is now 20 yrs OLDER than when they started playing. There’s things 20 yr old me thought were awesome, and now when I look back or replay some of the older stuff, I cringe at how tone deaf a lot of it was

But that’s me


I really just roll my eyes at the elf dance moves. I’m still plenty immature enough for everything else.


hey, i absolutely agree. i think that’s probably an indication of growth. i think one can still have evil narratives that aren’t, uh, tone-deaf in some of the ways (and boy howdy was it tone-deaf at times) old wow could be.


Gnoll chads ww@

we were eatin good in DF with the new model
lets keep up that energy


Play DK even once.

Play horde through BFA content.

Play horde through shadowlands content where literally any alliance character but anduin is present.

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I keep telling Kare to do the DK starting quest, you get a walk of shame, with rotten fruits and everything. It’s great!


After enduring Sir Speeches and the Daddy Issues fight.


Everyone sees themself as the hero of their own story, and has a justification for their actions that makes perfect sense… to them, at least. Whether they’re correct or just deluding themselves is up to the author and what kind of message they’re trying to tell.

My problem is that for the last several expacs, any ‘message’ blizzard has been trying to tell has been childish-to-literal-nonsense. Therefore, I’ve basically given up on the ‘macro-story’ and am just enjoying the ‘micro-stories’ here and there when they hit a sweet spot.

Like, Anduin can go die in a fire, but Magni’s grandson is a new favorite, though I worry that that’s merely because this is his first expansion as a non-baby and they just haven’t had the time to ruin him yet.


I have the DK starting zone and Arthas lines memorized I did it so many times. It’s a great starting zone. It’s one of the best ones ingame :dracthyr_nod:

Now Drac just need DKs and druids so I can round out my last two alts :dracthyr_heart:


For anyone who is seeking to exorcize their internalized guilt about whatever by “saving” the kobolds, nerubians, eredari, orcs, trolls, whatever, then please tell me why the horde has a questline to genocide all the human farmers of Hillsbrad to develop a new plague?

My original post was trying to highlight an overall problem with the writing in this franchise using a couple of examples that stood out to me in particular. Dragons used to be cool in warcraft, until they were made into a family or something. The old gods were semi-interesting lovecraft copies, but after killing the fifth one, the lovecraftian mystery/creepiness is completely lost.

I think back to my first encounter with a Blizzard game: it was warcraft 2 on my friend’s PC (because I didn’t have one at the time) and I was completely blown away by the fact you could play as the bad guys. And make no mistake, the orcs were the bad guys. They were demonically inspired monsters who came through a portal and were given orders to wipe out all the humans. The voice over for every orc mission was basically “THE WARCHIEF WANTS YOU TO EXTERMINATE ALL THE HUMANS IN {insert area here}! DO NOT FAIL HIM OR YOU WILL BE KILLED!”

Fast forward to warcraft 3 and even early WoW, there was more complexity in the lore, sure, but it still felt like the story had impact. The horde and alliance were still quite differentiated in terms of their motivations and their traditions. The alliance was trying to establish/maintain their dominant position in the world, while the horde was still “taming” Kalimdor and securing their place in the world. Modern WoW is just so watered down and bland, there might as well not exist a horde or alliance.

And no, I don’t care what Tolkien did with his universe, I don’t care about wizards of the coast. I’m talking about the warcraft universe, by Blizzard. The writing is garbage, to be honest, and the more they try to write their way out of this mess, the worse it all becomes. Maybe they should just end the world, and do a time lapse 10 million years into the future for the next expansion/saga.

Thanks for listening to my TED rant


Slaughtering entire populations down to the last man, woman and child to anyone who has ever offered you gold for it has always been a WoW thing. Blizzard getting hand-wringing over it is moral posturing (“I don’t understand, all the times I huffed my own farts in the past, it smelled SO BEAUTIFUL!”).

Oddly, the only quest in the game that’s ever made me feel bad about myself was stealing pillows from the beds of the Dark Iron Dwarf miners in Searing Gorge. I mean, what kind of evil bastard even does that?


Ok but literally none of that is related to monster races getting rehabilitated in the lore


For ten gold, you can give a kobold a candle and save a life :dracthyr_heart:

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Hey either murder matters or it doesn’t, I don’t see why you expect me to think the monsters have less value than the humans given i gotten to kill them just as much