He doesn’t. You just hate the horde, so nobody cares what you think
I love the Horde. I just hate bad writing. And Lor’themar is a powerless hack who only got his job because all other elf leaders were dead.
Ignoring that it was Kael’thalas who made Lor’themar Lord Regeant before Kael departed for Outland.
But didn’t expect you to actually know that
Lor’themar leads a regency back until the true leader comes back. and the true leader is Kael’thas. I can see Sylvanas vouching to the Arbiter for his soul so he gets a second chance in life.
Kael is dead Erevien. He’s never coming back. And that’s not how the Arbiter works. Kael will be sent to an afterlife appropriate for him once he redeems himself in Revendreth. Or he’ll stay and become a Venthyr
He didn’t.
Don’t mess up his delusions
This is Warcraft. Nothing is truly dead for long. Otherwise the alliance leadership would be much less numerous.
Lor’themar is no true leader. He is just another archer elf guy with one eye means he sucks in melee.
yes he did.
“You may not care for your subjects, but I care for mine. I have lost far, far too much in dealing with humans. I stand only for the elves now - for the sin’dorei. The children of the blood.”
— Kael’thas encountering Arthas
Every single person that has died, has stayed dead. Only exception was Illidan, because of special circumstances of his soul being demonic in nature and the Illidari being able to retrieve it from the twisting nether. Than we secured his body during the Nighthold raid before Gul’dan could stuff Sargeras inside it and use it as a avatar
That’s not him saying humans suck, is it? That’s him saying he’ll only fight for his people, the few of them that remain.
He’s objectively wrong, too. Arthas loved his subjects both as a Paladin and as a death knight. He, in fact, even loved his undead subjects more than Kael’thas loved his blood elves.
Yeah, everyone knows sunstrider sold out his people. That isn’t even a secret anymore. Dude was such a a narcissist that he thought selling out was him doing good for his people when in reality it was just for his own agenda.
Arthas was at least sucessful in wiping out the majority of his own people and raising them as scourge.
But that’s also the irony of both people. Both loved their peoples so much they were willing to destroy them for more power
Metzen not having any respect for his creations that aren’t night elf or human or thrall is nothing new either. Dude betrayed the lore at large big times for extra PVE content.
I dunno, I feel like Kael’thas siding with the Legion is perfectly in line with his characterisation in Warcraft 3. He only sided with Illidan because Illidan promised salvation for his people; Illidan withheld that salvation despite extending it to demons, so why wouldn’t a turncoat do what turncoats do when someone else promised salvation (power for himself)?
Because they were the architects of the invasion that landed his people in that circumstance.
I’ve said it elsewhere, but WC3 Kael’thas is not the same character as TBC Kael is not the same character as novel Kael is not the same person as Revendreth Kael. And not in a “stuff happened, the character grew/evolved” kind of way.
No it isn’t. Kael betraying Illidan makes no sense. His character was butchered and was replaced with a average standin archer guy that has zero personality and only exists to suck up to Jaina.
as an old school D&D player I sorta feel for the OP, but at the same time he’s over simplifying the whole situation. I mean, want to play as full-blooded orc, or a drow in a campaign I’m DMing? IF I allow it at all, your character will be treated with deep suspicion if not outright hostility by almost everyone.
Unless it’s Planescape- ANYTHING GOES out there in THAT craziness.
Kobolds were less EVIL-evil, and more just not intelligent enough to make the things they needed/communicate effectively. Nerubians were xenophobic at least, but no longer served and were afraid of their original Old God masters as far back as TFT IIRC.
‘Evil’ societies really aren’t self-sustaining in the long term, and outside of things like literal angels and demons, ‘evil’ is a social construct. An evil ruler may force everyone who he rules to act a certain way, but I seriously doubt that at heart the average North Korean is more evil than the average South Korean for example.
WoW has to tread very carefully with Races As Evil, because many of theirs draw very direct inspiration from real world cultures, which they’ve typically done a reasonably good job of imo.
It would be a little jarring if every antagonistic group we’ve clashed with over the years suddenly started just being normal people, though.
I think it’s done pretty well with showing that certain cultures may lean one way, but there are outliers that may be more/less hostile so far.
Kael’thas would never harm his own people.