Why are my replies getting auto-edited when I quote?

system 6 mins — Automatically removed quote of whole previous post.

I keep getting this message along with a deletion of the person’s quote and an automatic edit mark on my reply. What’s up with that?

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Apparently a new “feature”. If you directly reply to someone, OBVIOUSLY you don’t need to quote them. :roll_eyes: If you directly reply, you get a link in the post header pointing back to who you’re replying. Except that if the auto edit happens, the link disappears. Way to go, Discourse. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I’m trying a workaround in my response. If you quote someone in a reply AND edit the quote, the automated edit doesn’t happen, so I did some relatively invisible editing in my quote of you. Let’s see how smart this “feature” is.

Editing: the auto-purge won’t be fooled by whitespace edits, but inserting visible characters defeats it. I imagine deleting (like trimming a full quote to just a relevant portion) would also be allowed. I didn’t test formatting changes.

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That is beyond lame.

This has really been bothering me. I hate that when you reply to someone, it takes the quote away. What’s the point of that? When you reply directly below someone without a quote, it doesn’t show the reply, and then it just makes things confusing.

Also, you will not get auto edited if you do not copy the quote in its entirety. So for example, if you lead centhe period off the end of the last sentence in your quoted reply there will be no auto edit.

Though, kind of annoying when people do that haha

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Who in the world thought this feature was at all necessary? When you are replying right below someone, it’s not always obvious that you are replying to them. Who thought it was important enough to auto edit a message because of that? I’m really hoping this is just a forum bug.

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I was just looking to see if this happens to anyone else. It also removes who I was replying to.

Which IS a bug, and defeats the reason the full quote was deleted: because you can always click back to the original post. Unless the link to the original post is deleted by the same process. SMH.