Why are Mr. Beast videos so popular?

To me, those videos are all the equivalent of Bill Gates pulling up to a soup kitchen in a Ferarri, wearing a $50,000 suit, and passing out $100 bills to people, but making sure the cameras have him in center frame while hes doing so, because giving money to people is only a good thing when the whole word sees you doing it on camera.

like, we get it, you have money. Maybe, i dont know, use it to do something other than click bait youtube videos?


Tbh that sounds like the opposite of BIll Gates.

Right. Guess i could have worded it better…

It’s probably the money that draws attention. People like viewing the rich lifestyle, and a give away worth $80,000 is attractive, just as a million dollar party.

I don’t understand why they are so popular either. I guess people like to live vicariously?

I suppose that the alternative would be that he does not have a youtube channel and nothing motivates him to give money to the needy, so he stops.

I don’t know much about this guy but I can bet you a lot of celebrities wouldn’t donate a cent if it didn’t give them a boost to their popularity.

Most of the money directly comes from his sponsors.

And even though he is annoying–he honestly is quite philanthropic and tries to make people’s lives a little better.

Mr. Beast if you’re reading this, we here in the forums need your love! Bless us, oh granter of wishes!


He made a video on how much he gets and how he didn’t come from money. Should watch it.

honestly idk. don’t know much or anything about him but im sure he gets money from sponsors as well as his vids and all that. why are they popular imo? because he randomly tries to make peoples day via donating either money or something.

i think it’s that spontaneous thing that gets his vids so popular. i mean thats what he is known for i believe the donating thing.