Why are low MMR playing vs high MMR?

Casual player here. I walked right up to 1800 on several classes last season. At the end of each match, the MMR of each team seemed reasonable(within a couple hundred).

I know it’s only a few days in, but what’s up with a difference of 800 between the two teams MMR’s? It’s certainly not fun for the losing team, but where’s the sport for the winning team? That’s gotta be boring for them. Am I misunderstanding what “matchmaking rating” actually means?

Are we sure it wasn’t CR?

In the case of MMR this should only happen in placements.

Positive it wasn’t CR. It was the MMR in the bottom right corner. Multiple games.

Placements and mmr rolling over. :dracthyr_love_animated: Just had a 2k vs 2k then a 2.1k vs 1450, lmao.

This is what I’m talking about. What’s the point of MMR if they’re just going to match you with someone 10 times above or below your rating? That’s not competition. That’s murder.

Sometimes you’re favored, though. :hocho:

That’s still not fun. I want actually competetive games. A game handed to either team is boring and disappointing.

Just finish ur placements and Iu will get them

Then finish those 8 games

I’ve played MANY more than 8 games…

you’re missing the point though. My original question was why is there a difference of 800 in MMR? Why have an MMR if it’s not going to be used?

Cos placements

Explain? If a team of players with an average mmr is 2100 queues, and a team with an average mmr of 1600 queues, why would they be matched up together?

Cos one is in placements

Early season mmr uncertainly etc

Just go next

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You didn’t explain what “placements” are

first eight games can match you up or down a lot

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So shouldn’t those placements be matched with similar placements? I’m confused. Explain to me like I’m 5 years old.

there’s no benefit in actually understanding it

it doesn’t change how you play

You’re just trolling at this point. This post wasn’t about skill. it was about matchmaking. Go away since you obviously don’t understand it yourself.

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Most of my posts are about mmr and almost everybody rejects them so I say don’t worry about it

Working as intended

Go next


No one knows the actual algorithm because it’s not public. “Placement games” are something that people who have played for awhile noticed anecdotally (myself as well) at some point after the switch from 1500 as starting rating.

But as for your question about “shouldn’t I be matched against players at the same placement rating”? No, the goal of placement matches is to as quickly as possible try to figure out where you sit among the distribution of all pvp players. Take the worst case scenario where you just fight the same person (also in placements) 8 times, the system has learned information about how you compare to just one other person.

On the other hand if the skill difference is so extreme that you stomp or get stomped, that also doesn’t give much info because it’s likely that the lower and upper bounds on your true MMR are not tight.

In any case, high uncertainty at initialization time is a common theme for many algorithms, and ranking algorithms like TrueSkill https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/trueskill-ranking-system/ are no different.