Why are Kul Tiran cast animations bad?

I really could play a male kt. They’re big and scruffy, but the animations… :weary:

They’re so freaking bad. Like “wtf is that?!” Bad

Female worgen pre overhaul level of bad

The melee animations are fine, no issues with them. It’s the cast animations. I absolutely detest them.

Why are they so bad? :frowning:

Because Kul tiran are bad.


Kul Tiran males are just reskins of orcs. Don’t @ me

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I don’t see the casting animations as much because I’m always in bear form, but when I hearth, I look like I’m trying to roll up toilet paper on my forearms.

Why. :tired_face:


That’s The animation I hate. The omni one is ok, but the directed one is just so bad

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Because as a whole visually Kul TIran may be the worst looking race in the game.