They are giga broken right now. Why is this class immune to any meaningful nerfs.
Hunters need nerfs, druids need buffs, I agree.
Reminds me of DF when they left DH the way it was with slap on the wrist nerfs
3% moment
BM needs to get nerfed. Passive dam from beasts/hounds/fenryr/hati needs to come down. Hunter’s prey needs to not cleave.
Marks is still bad. It needs something other than withering fire as its burst mechanic before it can be good without oneshotting people.
SV is good but it feels like it needs counter shot instead of muzzle.
Huge agree with this entire post.
It’s pretty crazy how much more the DR tree benefits BM than marks outside of withering fire. It’s also pretty crazy that they thought this new withering fire would be a good idea for marks.
Basically nothing in the DR tree does anything for marks except withering fire. Getting to cast KS above 80 doesn’t really matter that much because marks’ KS modifier is tied to deathblow, where BM’s KS modifier is passively tied to it having it’s rotational pets out. Hounds benefit from BM mastery, pet damage talents in the bm tree, AND they proc significantly more often for BM. Bleak arrows being 20% for BM and 8% for marks doesn’t make sense. KC getting to roll twice because two pets KC makes BM already get more procs. Those procs also cleaving to 2-4 extra targets makes crows and hounds even that much more beneficial for it. The list goes on.
There will come a point with marks where they cross the threshold of too many small +damage buffs and it will go from irrelevant to OP either because of withering fire or them forgetting that sentinel still exists with +15% damage modifiers. Everything about the old dark ranger tree just made so much more sense and I’m still upset that they did this to hunter. It felt so good at the start of the season, probably the closest it’s ever been to being competitive without also being super overpowered.
Yea I’m not going to lie, I’m mostly liking because surv needs to be able to talent into counter shot.
Yeah I know you really only care about SV.
huh, marks was the problem all last expansion, now its bm, same class, same approach to class balance from blizzard: nerf every class that VIP Hunter Player can’t defeat.
My god you’re a case study.
Why would a hunter main not care about the actual hunter spec?