Kinda looking at their racial’s and they seem pretty good to me.
Shadow resistance-1% less dmg from specs such as DK’s, Shadow priests and sub rogues. Some of the most common DPS you will find.
Touch of the grave- A little bit of added leech.
Will of the Forsaken and additional breakout of Fear,Charm or Sleep. Basically an extra ability I believe warriors get in their kit.
Cannibalize- If your ever desperate for a heal after a fight before the next one begins your not anymore.
Not a single ability seems like its hard to use nor would u not know when to use it. So why Do I not see many zombies walking around out there eating brains?
I agree the orc Stun reduction and Berserker ability is a little better but depending on the class I can see Forsaken being a really decent race to play.
I think if the male character model wasn’t a twisted clipping nightmare they’d be far better represented. It’s silly that they stand like they do when the female model does not. Same silliness that afflicts trolls and worgen. It used to afflict orcs as well, but they were deemed worthy of a posture option.
1% ain’t saving anyone from me…I drive people to depths of insanity that they’ll jump off cliffs for me… taking a tiny less amount of dmg means nothing as I tear their mind asunder with the powers of three old gods lol. For what it’s worth I used to play an undead, they’re cool I just hated the bones tearing up my pants and shirt… had to avoid dogs too lol
They used to be most popular horde race. I think they’re still decently popular. You just don’t see as many anymore because instead of 4 races to choose from we’re now up to like 10 or something?
Because the Bood Elves showed up and the edgy Hot Topic teens wanted to be pretty instead so they all rerolled.
It’s the esthetic really, you need to really love the goth woe is me I’m gonna be evil because everyone hates me vibe the Forsaken have lived with for most of their existence. Their racials are decent but not good enough for people to play them if they aren’t into the race.
They need the option to stand upright like the orcs got, maybe some more cosmetic love here and there on both genders. I personally still love female warrior undeads. They frontflip while tanking <3