Why are Death Knights so cringe?

We’re a collective of furries, elves, and cavemen fighting gargoyles and a vampire with goat legs and his talking sword rocking a Disney aesthetic. We’re all cringe.


Stop being cringe about being cringe. God I’m so triggered right now.

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Hit on the head too many times.

Oh, you mean their movement speed.


If you were an unwilling undead, you’d probably not really think much of death either.

Well, I’m not sure I’d expect them to be wearing bright colors. They’re dead. Fashion and presentability matters far less to a walking corpse.

Last time I checked, necromantic magic does weird things to corpses. We can chalk the voices up to a consequence of dead flesh and magical compensation for that.

Gaze upon my glorious golden visage

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They have a “frequent dier” lounge in Acherus.


I mained a DK since Wrath. I switched to a Disc Priest for Shadowlands now switching to Shadow and finding ranged DPS is alot more forgiving in Raids than melee. Love the DK frost class fantasy along with the Necrolords feels very at home but the Raids are so melee heavy and this expansion started with Unholy was GoTo spec so frost was far behind.

That is unless you’re a male Blood Elf. Fashion remains important to them even in death. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I’d say worgen is the most cringe.

They look like homeless ferrets. Blizzard needs to give them tails and upper body strength

That’s why when they die, their last act is to reach for a mirror so they can see if their hair at the very least fell in a pretty way.

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Play one anyway, they’re a lot of fun. Find out if you can overlook the aspects that don’t appeal to you, perhaps the pros will outweigh the cons. If you decide it’s not for you, then don’t continue to play one. Just like every other class.

Have you leveled one up, or are you just sharing your potentially biased opinion?

Kind of amusing someone dressed like a over compensating death metal fan is complaining about cringe.


So you want a death knight… without the death and decay… so just a knight?
Warrior. You want a warrior.

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I think that’s what’s called a Truth Bomb

But hey, WoW is my guilty pleasure, as cringeworthy as it can be.

/gently swirls glass containing alcoholic beverage of choice

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they actually have death in their name.

yes, yes they do…

I’d love that to be one of their racial abilities. :rofl:

If nerds could murder you with a hand wave!

That goes for all spellcasters, but warlocks are the best. :>

Not to mention going worgen rogue who give off their fair share of edge [ outside of the few who go the jokey scoundrel route] Besides,nothing wrong with a little cringe if it isn’t hurting anyone.

I actually like the appeal of Unholy DK; a more melee Affliction Lock that requires a bit of set up, but the aesthetic and being unable to change the voice was just such a buzz kill.

The aesthetic is the best thing about us.