Why are cross realms enabled for battlegrounds and not for dungeons?

tell me where in vanilla we had layers, show me where in vanilla we had 15k people on a server, show me where at any point in warcraft’s history blizzard didn’t cater to the horde. Cross realm BG’s are being put in so the horde don’t cry. The EXACT same reason they were put in to begin with… Horde tears. When there are so few alliance left on the servers that even X realm BGs have long queue times blizzard will open the merc system due to horde tears.

Neither faction is required to play this game. Blizzard has no problems with servers being 90% one faction or another, because it doesn’t matter. Just look at PvE realms… they get along just fine not caring at all what the other faction does.

We are not getting the vanilla cross realms BTW. Vanilla cross realms were in a battlegroup of 8 - 12 servers, not across every server in a region.

Please stop with “durrrr it twas in verniller!” because you obviously never played vanilla.

i would reccomend you go read the patch notes from today

Speed? Lol, it didn’t take much at all to do d1, just stop.

20 million households in the us had internet on 96, most using modems more than fast enough to handle the minimal info that d1 sent

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AoE servers were a thing. MSNZone was around same time as Bnet, right? LOL This is hurting my game psyche recalling all this. AoERoR game ladders and tourneys, man…

A PC gamer (pretty niche at that point, console were what people gamed on mostly) was the most likely type of person to have internet too

Feels really weird being on the same side as you in an argument but who said it was made in 96?

yea i’m p sure msnzone predates bnet. AOEror, antz, heck even yahoo games was a thing way back then.

some of us were lucky enough to have progressive parents who had electricity in our homes.

sometimes i feel bad for people raised in the sticks, then i realize why we leave those types of people in those environments.

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hope this helps

sometimes words are super hard for people and don’t understand ambiguous statements result in sharp conclusion that which aren’t totally out of perspective.

Text based Yahoo search was born in 1995. People used it all the time. I loved it.

Hey…someone should just read history of the internet and gaming sometime maybe?

It does by a few months. Bnet was on the 31st of December 1996, MSNZone I think was in like June, maybe August?

Yes it does, thank you. I hadn’t noticed that post.

WTF does X realm BG’s have to do with Battle net from 1996?


This is what happens here all the time. Welcome aboard Mr 55 posts!

Hey aren’t you the guy complaining for boycotting bgs from the Alliance? What happened to “When BGs come out the Horde are so trash they’re gonna get steamrolled”?

There’s nothing really to discuss on the op anyway, xrealm dungeons aren’t happening til wrath

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being 32 years young… and a canadian in the present year that i am in, i can say my memory is not what it once used to be so anything im claiming from my past is purely straws.

thank you for updating that

i’m still an OG heat . net / gamespy user from THOSE days.

gaming was weird back in the mid 90s.

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Imagine thinking a thread with 175 posts is ever going to stick to the same topic. Threads derail all the time. How it goes, honestly it’s better this way.

That is an interesting point. Server BG queues and BNET technology are definitely the link between those subjects.

And he never answered my question of how making the HK ladder faster and easier for his non-boycotting Alliance members, would inspire them to join his cause by not playing?

I am alliance mostly btw…so…but I also thing Classic pvp and BGs overall are incredibly overhyped and boring. I’m just here for the lulz and crafts on Faerlina (I already burned out on my PvE reroll darn it)

Exactly. I mean that is how “I got kicked out of my guild for the weirdest reason” /Lick thread …I mean you had to know that was going PLACES

I estimate there are about 3-4% of posts past 100 posts that usually call for everyone to get back on track…which may match the number of middle managers left in the world who play WoW?

I hear you there, I was basically raised in the era of the internet and arguably on the internet. A lot of my early childhood was on single player clicker games like Pajama Sam. Don’t think I actively got into using the internet until I was like 5-6 with Ultima Online since I saw my father playing it every day and he used to support our family with selling gold on that game. I think now it was when I was 6 maybe because he surprised me on my birthday with getting me the game.

Can agree it was weird but I’d argue it’s far weirder now. A lot easier and more convenient but a lot more I guess mostly due to anonymity and general sperg behavior. Would be pretty interesting if you could take someone from the mid 90s who played online games, place them here and watch how they react.

Old developer mantra I heard somewhere on these forums: “Give a player a crouch or a sit key, they’ll find a way to teabag with it.”

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sounds about right.

also agree to how weird things are now. not to mention the amount of colorful language that gets thrown about in the most random ways, and then played off as normal and okay.

but these are the reasons that i for the most part try and stay with concise and factual information.