Why are Crests capped?

I don’t know, the cap seems pretty chill compared to the valor cap of old. You get way more upgrades a week and the crest discount helps with that as well.

Crests are capped so that the top 0.5-10% don’t finish all the content in week 1.

Also, crests are capped so that people with jobs can still have a chance to queue into 17-20 keys… rather than being totally outclassed by the try hard who had the time and inclination to run 50 11-15 keys and 50 16+ keys to fully upgrade everything they see or be in full crafted 447 gear (anticipating that next you’ll want sparks uncapped)

Finally, if you were smarter and hoarded crests last week till you a) got your 447 vault and b) ran farm raid content this week, you probably had enough crests within the cap to max upgrade everything you have. It sucks to have to FARM crests since it forces us into trivial content, but the cap isnt an issue unless you’re mindlessly upgrading suboptimal gear instead of treating them like the temporary sidegrades that they are.

Crests are capped, but the cap is really, really high. 10 of each Crest time, each week, cumulative. So even if you miss a few dungeons in any given week you can do them the next week.

I don’t think this is a meaningful cap for most players. Even if you are the sort of person who goes hard and runs 25-30 dungeons every week, you will be completely finished with Crests in another 1-2 weeks.



We are literally gearing up on insane levels this patch and you want even more…


I went and finished doing some of the crests on my 3rd alt only to realise all the Whelping Dream Crests I thought I was getting I actually wasnt getting. Apparently a cap of 90 was a Super Brilliant Idea. Yet in reality capping anything that basic while simultaenously hitting that cap within 3-5 hours of doing all the storyline all I am seeing is blizzard actually not caring about Alt playstyle seeing as they advertised that it was quite the common thing during Blizzcon. If they don’t lift this Cap entirely and soon I doubt all those players who Re subbed will hang around. The game was barely hanging by a thread before this patch as it was.

its pre season. atm
the cap is to prevent any “advantage” going into the new season.
this is the time to get alts up to last season’s ilvl

the cap grows, and the crests should primarily be used to fill holes in gear.
doing the highest content first (when made available) will be the most ideal way to gear.

i dont expect the cap to go away until after the race to world first is over, if it ever goes away. after like 4 weeks you’d have enough for 40 upgrades. it would become irrelevant on its own.

in addition, the new 10.2 version of the crests can be upscaled so welp crests could be used to get up to Aspect ones. as such, that prob means the cap is going to stay and only grow over time so pure world content rewards dont scale faster than mythic raid ones. (crest wise)

Crest are capped because remember:

“We at blizzard respect the players time - I think it was out of touch Ion that said this”

So by his theory capping currency ‘respects’ your time because you don’t have to grind it out or feel you need to grind it out. What Ion needs to do is respect our time and decision making if we want to grind out every single crest the the whole of warcraft: that is our choice, If we want to only farm a few out - that is also our choice.

I think blizzard forgets that for the most part little kids don’t play there games anymore like when it first launched and we are grown adults who can make our own good, or bad choices in life but they are our own choices.

And this is also why we can’t have daily WQ, and other stuff like that.

So you don’t kill yourself grinding to remain competitive with those who would kill themselves grinding.

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like said in my post: this is a fair point but as a grown full person you should be able to make your own choices and, even if its not an ‘adult’ making this choice you want the game played more don’t you? Even if the crest where unlimited gamers have WAY worst farming grinds they have done and do daily I am sure.

i think azerite or what ever AP currency we have had in the past has proven that there will be players that will grind because they can and when you grind that hard for that long it doesnt matter if it was your choice, you turned the game into a grind and burn out.

the only real way to mitigate it is to limit it :thinking:

Sure. But they don’t want you to feel the social pressure to keep up with someone with unlimited time and patience - often utilized in unhealthy ways. Which is completely fair. You shouldn’t feel bad for being so far behind when raid night rolls are because you have a job.

Shhhhh wish blizzard would tell that to my boss then. Ain’t nothing but pressure out here, I rather be pressured in game then some young upstart shoving his nose way in the brown eye while eye balling my job.

Quite frankly unless you’re going race fir world first, or maybe trying to get in top 10-20 of the hall of fame, who cares if you’re keeping up with the top players of your raid group or not? And this is especially true for Normal and Heroic guilds.

As long as you are pulling your own weight to an acceptable degree, there is no need to be concerned that a couple other guys are doing more dps than you because they went hardcore grind mode and you didn’t. At the end of the day, as long as you’re having fun and not being detrimental to your team, you’re all good.

They are capped so you long in next week at the same time to get more…

A lot of people. Their reasons are their own.