Regardless, the rise of the boosting communities and the WoW token definitely coincided… along with the rise in bots, come to think of it.
Simple coincidence? Or did the token facilitate the opportunity? After all, selling boosts & carries for gold could be turned into tokens to finance a player’s subscription through in-game activities. I recall a few players boasting about that… but barring a massive stash of gold, it seems to require players to be selling boosts for lots of gold and/or tokens to keep it up long-term.
Cause the community has kept moving the goal post forward when its comes to boosts. carries/powerleveling even p2win elements for last 10 years
Some even support botting cause it brings the prices of mats down as they really don’t care of professions and it effecting the average players experience only theirs matters .
You have streamers saying they don’t care about breaking the ladder in arena , they don’t care other ppl fun only my fun matters , how do you expect the player experience overall to improve ??
Meanwhile Blizzard has successfully sold a 50 dollar game with 90 edition dollar with players using 120 dollars of token saying its ain’t their money . Why would Blizzard care either ??
This is the norm of the game now, have your fun and move on
WoW Token was a means to allow players with multiple millions of gold, gold cap on multiple toons - to be traded back into the playerbase. Players with limited gold or limited playtime/methods to aquire gold easily for money, in a safe and secure manner.
Tokens didnt really kick off until you could convert them into bnet balance.
Boosting communities grew because more and more players had access to larger amounts of gold easier (tokens, gold earnt via in game play, daily quests, garrison gold mines. It also grew because payments of gold could happen on any server (nothing to do with purchasing a token). Escrow boosting services were targeted, not boosting itself.
Dude, it’s an ego thing… it’s pretty simple. I don’t think they should add the mounts to the store because that would invalidate the AOTC mount and achievement. At least with the current way, the people purchasing are using people who clearly have cleared it and either way… there is no way to tell if it was purchased.
yea, this is a really good take. it makes no difference to any other player other than it makes them feel some type of way because they don’t have it.
people have been buying currency in all sorts of games for over 20 years and guess what? nobody cared. why? because people are playing your game! they are having fun.
DAoC templates cost pretty big money to get all the spell crafted gems. I bough platinum so many times I can’t even remember how many.
this is coming from someone who has bought many, MANY WoW tokens on this account.
I mean jeez, I was selling arena wins years ago on rogue for like 100-250g per win spamming Orgrimmar trade chat. it was good times and nobody cared.
I mean lets take the fact that blizzard and the comminity 100% supports ‘boosting’ in game because things like professions exist.
If you want to argue that things must be ‘earnt’, then the only way you should have access to profession gear is if you leveled it on your own, including removing the ‘auction house boost’ of being able to simply purchase materials needed instead of ‘earning’ them yourself.
i think stuff like this is completely normal and acceptable. that fits with your class fantasy etc.
i do think however that you’re being disingenuous here. when someone crafts that gear, they’ve earned it, and they don’t get to keep it once it’s done. if you earned your aotc mount then sold it, that would be a different story. but that’s not the case. and besides, i take no issue with individuals selling individual services - my concern stems from the communities that sell these services a la cart and blizzard being complacent (if not complicit) in it.
Nope. Im legit trying to get people to understand the perception of ‘boosting’.
I earnt my aotc and was rewarded with a mount. If i was to sell aotc i am not selling ‘my’ mount, im selling ‘my ability to carry another player via gear and skills i earnt at that level’ so they dont have to.
How does it undermine your achievements . The only person that is affected by what someone does is that person themself . No one cares what you have . I just laugh at people who say back in teh day people looked up to the one sthat had this gear or that gear --rubbish , a few might of but most couldnt care less .
There is NOTHING prestigious about a computer game.
It’s allowed because it doesn’t break any real world law and it doesn’t break any rule within the game. Blizzard can’t ban people for something that doesn’t break the rules, because they’ll be hypocrites because they let bots run rampant when that not only breaks real world laws it also breaks the rules set in place by Blizzard.
p2win ramped up in systemlands and BlizZard had to step in when they usually turn a blind eye to it because it was impacting M+ and rated PVP badly.
Making real money and not being taxed on it breaks many “real world laws”. That is why BlizZard had to step in during systemlands to squash boosters because they were straying away from that legal 'gray area".
People like to say this but there’s a huge difference between “people sometimes boost” and “it’s so prevalent it took over the LFD tool and made it unusable for anything other than boosting”.
You have a point.
Boosting is allowed as long as real world money isn’t traded for the service.
WoW tokens allow the purchase of in-game currency for real world money.
Players can purchase a WoW token, auction it for in-game currency, and purchase boosting services with it.
Or as Morty would say, it’s just RMT with extra steps.
Also because no one “winning” sees being boosted or carried as a win.
We have to drastically change the definition of “win” for it to be seen as “pay to win”. And its primarily the people not participating in said content calling it pay to win.
This has been taking place longer than WoW has been around.
There is no way to completely get rid of it. You could make it so gold couldnt be
exchanged at all. It would keep gold from being exchanged for the services.
But the services would just move to their own internet sites and charge real money
instead of gold.
But in the meantime, no one would be able to help their friend,
brother, sisiter, or whoever it was they enjoyed playing with and helping.
They wouldnt be able to help them with a quest. Run them through something
for better gear. Or just send them gold.
But the payed for services would still be here. Not earning gold. But earning
real money.