Why are Alliance the preferred faction?

You’ve asked this question in the context of two things, weapon skill and salv.

On the topic of the latter, yea I think they’ll actually get it sorted. On the topic of weapon skill, I’m more inclined to agree with your assessment that there is a very real possibility that what they try won’t land, but I’m remaining optimistic.

We are seeing them actively working to make the game play better and that’s a good thing. They may not succeed at the rate we want them to, but I know I’m never perfect on my first shot (if ever >.<).

The fact that they’re trying is what’s important to me. I hope they keep it up :slight_smile:

I have always preferred Alliance but that’s only because it’s what I’ve played since 2004. I actually wanted to go Horde at the start because I liked Horde in Warcraft 2 and 3, but my friends wanted Alliance and I was outvoted :wink:

I do have this thing though where I always root for the underdog, it doesn’t really matter what it is. Even now I find myself compelled to reroll Horde to give them some love. But then I remember every slog I’ve ever had trying to get through the Barrens quests!

That’s just me though, Classic right now is a game of insane meta chasing. I bet if they gave people even the perception of a slight Horde advantage, people would vacate Alliance in a heartbeat :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have no idea, but the entire notion is silly. They gave alliance windfury, which was the only reason for the more sweaty player to roll horde. So the most active players went to alliance. They then had to lock alliance character creation. Thus all the players that aren’t that active, and didn’t start making characters until a few days in, rolled horde.

So the faction imbalance is obscene when it comes to “active players” or players that would ever be interested in organizing. And this is directly due to their own design. But they’re blaming players, nonetheless.

What they need to do is let players choose their layer from a drop down in Ashenvale and hard cap faction numbers per layer. This, of course, will leave several layers with only alliance on them. Which is fine because such a scenario would facilitate more active players to roll horde, and balance out what really matters.

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Not sure why alliance is preferred. They are stupid looking, annoying, have no honor, imperialists, and stupid looking. Also annoying.


I love gnomes and small races. If horde added goblin I would 100% play it.

Facts.𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶

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Paladins, although mechanically SoD tries to make them unnecessary, there is a unique fantasy and gameplay in them which interests many.

Yes the servers released in the middle of a work day during work hours, and alliance was locked before the work day ended on multiple servers. It’s not the same people rolling alliance and horde, most of the sweats and active gamers are playing alliance. On top of that, these numbers are likely distorted by botters that can’t roll new characters on alliance, but can on horde and transfer money through the neutral AH. Are there some active horde guilds that can compete? Of course, but the average player is not going to experience this. Population capped layers that you can join are a good idea, kind of like joining a CS server back in the day when it would fill until it was balanced.


100%. It’s aggravating how the devs disregard these very pertinent variables and just blame the players instead. That was quite a blow yesterday. I thought we were in better hands.

botters dont bot in dead factions unless there are realm transfers.

Yeah I can see that tweet leading to people quitting, not only did they cause a huge disparity (which incidentally, the guy posting has a personal conflict of interest about), but then they’re essentially saying: “hey what you’re experiencing you aren’t actually experiencing and also you suck go away”. Not good PR.


This is a special case unlike previous iterations because they literally cannot make new characters on one faction most of the time, but there’s a very high demand for RMT gold due to the grizzby/waylaid stuff.

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Ok so they have to use the goblin’s AH which is a super redflag, there is a reason they spread the gold into severla accounts in several characters and do not rely on the AH system.

They use the neutral AH to transfer gold all the time, and there’s a huge monetary incentive to do it here which dwarfs the sub fee if they get detected. By the time there’s a ban wave they’ve already made enough cash to do it again with a profit.

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I think you forgot to mention how annoying they are :wink:

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I’d say it’s largely Paladins getting the royal glug glug 5000 from Blizzard in SoD. Them getting windfury to boot.

I think some of the alliance starting zones are more annoying, but nobody is sneaking into RFC for gear on the Alliance side. There are tons of great gear options from the Stockades though. I think the game in general is more favored for the alliance in vanilla, but extra with Paladins being basically gods at every aspect of the game.


In the last 20 years, my anecdotal experience of thousands upon thousands of hours played in WoW has seen far more toxicity and general sociopathy on the Horde side than on the Alliance side. Not that modern gamers, in general, aren’t just more dismissive of that fact that they are playing with actual people, because they are, but the general atmosphere of the Horde seems to be the natural landing place for miserable people who just want everyone else around them to be as miserable as they are. Sad that it became such a trend that I had to stop being Horde after 15 years. It wasn’t offensive, it was that the general state of gamers with clearly no other successes in their life was just depressing, and the Horde seemed to have far more people willing to go out of their way to pretend their in-game success made them any less of a real-life failure, actively commit to driving away new players, and actively support gold-buying/botting.

That being said, Ironforge is just ideally located for most of the end game content whereas no Horde Capital city is. Only one end-game raid is in Kalimdor and it is arguably faster to get there from IF than it is from even Orgrimmar, and certainly UC. Karazhan will just exacerbate this trend, but maybe they will surprise us with Uldum, a Maraudon makeover, or Hyjal.

Blizzard needs to retire banwaves. They just aren’t working. Whatever impact that approach has on their bottomline clearly doesn’t have an impact. That’s a logical conclusion one could have made after a couple years of banwaves, let alone 19 :frowning:


I do think they should implement something in the event there is an egregious amount of people on a layer. Not sure how they would implement that though, or rather, if they can in the way you’re sugggesting.

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I feel like Stockades, with its barely green drops, isnt really an analog to RFC. With the exception of ONE rare mob, you could get most of the same loot that drops in Stocks from SFK, which Horde has instant access to.

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Human Racial bis on 2 most dominant specs in a raid.