Why are Alliance the preferred faction?

It was a tweet from Aggrend, but the context was the Ashenvale battle. Someone linked it a while back but I can’t find it on twitter. I’m also a noob at twitter :stuck_out_tongue:


IMO Horde leveling is vastly superior to Alliance leveling. Not to mention dungeon locations are very much in horde’s favour, especially before mounts are available. The only reason I can think of for Alliance dominance is simply preference for human-like races and the ability to play as a Paladin.

In an effort to save you scrolling through 100 posts, in addition to these, there appear to be some more concrete reasons. See the bullet points here:

(the rest of the post is just my own meandering speculation that you can disregard if you like :P)

Pallies > Shamans in classic and easier to play.

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People are forward looking. They can see paladins getting a ton of bigger buffs and alliance getting horde’s core abilities like windfury while horde is budget knockoff kings and no actual buffs to the faction, when it was already the weaker faction. People want to be on the winning side that gets more love, it’s simple. Writing has been on the wall since before it launched. Every recent server is an alliance zerg. When they get even stronger it’s pretty clear which side you want to be on if you want to do content.


I think the chances are pretty good that the devs will endeavour to balance the factions in terms of power. I can’t see any reason to think that they will balance out the world geography though. That’s why I chose horde.

It’s already just so much easier to get to SFK, WC, BFD etc as Horde. Imagine in phase 2 when you’re spending all your time in Scarlet Monastery as Alliance. It’s a long ride from Southshore.

And then after 2 months you’ll be on the losing faction on 80:20 (or more) servers. Sure the geography is slightly better at low levels, but that’s mostly irrelevant when most of the game happens at 60, even now. These are temporary caps, people don’t want to be on a doomed faction or be forced to reroll later. I just play horde because I like it, but its inferior in basically every aspect of the game and their changes reflect that they don’t understand why, and in fact made it worse, and so there’s no way they’ll understand how to fix it.

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There’s a lot of factors, but I feel genuinely Alliance, specifically Humans, don’t really ever have to venture too far from south EK to get to get to level 40, at the most.

There’s just as many dungeons in reach such as DM and Stockades. I’m sure Horde’s is just as well, but I think things like The Barrens being so vast and their quests so spread out is ultimately why I feel Redridge/Darkshire are superior in comparison.

Servers are faction locked to prevent this in SoD.

Yes you’ll be on a heroic faction of troll hunter bots who roll on the non-locked side to farm.

Yes, it does look like we now have a situation where anything Horde can bring to the table the Alliance has as well, but the reverse is not true.

I started this thread looking for compelling reasons why, outside of preference/aesthetics, people would still be choosing Alliance over Horde and I think we’ve identified two big ones.

I started a side thread about the BoW issue. I think they may have other plans for +weapon skill, though a couple axes on the BFD loot table might be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

All we can do is try to bring it to their attention and see what happens.

Alliance has you traveling between Westfall/Ellwyn/Loch Modan and Redridge dozens of times in the process of getting to level 20. As horde you can do 10-25 without ever leaving the barrens. Then 25-35 in Hillsbrad, 35-45 in STV. And Horde has a great deal more quests in STV than Alliance does.

Yeah they’ve said they’re aware of the weapon skill thing, but are people going to risk hundreds of hours of game time on trusting them to actually do something based on a passing comment? Knowing blizzard they’ll put in weapon skill items and they’ll be terrible for some reason. The only safe bet is playing orc or human. Ditto with salv, do you trust them to buff/change tranquil air to bring parity to salv? Maybe they will, but I’m not going to bet on it and others aren’t either.

They need to understand that people are rolling for the endgame, not 25. If they’re going to fix the salv disparity they need to tell people before it even launches. This is a major factor driving the faction imbalance. If they’re going to fix totems to make them not grossly inferior to blessings they need to tell people upfront. If they wait until level 40 to tell people its already too late. I mean at this point it is already too late because people are farmed up and invested on their faction and aren’t going to switch now.

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thank you :slight_smile:

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TB is great

Westfall babies seething at their inferior brown and yellow zone

So they’re saying the ratio is:

Lone Wolf US - 3.32% - Horde/Alliance 96.68%
Living Flame US - 1.29% Alliance/Horde 98.71%
Crusader Strike US - 0.15% Horde/Alliance 99.85%

Where are they pulling this date?

Under city is one of the coolest cities in classic

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Amen to that. Classic TB is the best place in WoW history be a bank alt or do tradeskills. Everything is within 20 yards of the AH.

Imagine being alliance and having to spend 8 minutes running to the forge and back in Stormwind in order to smelt and auction your copper bars.

Yeah agreed, when you hit like 14-15 on ally you pretty much get stuck. It’s so much easier on horde.