If you narrow it to 120s, I think it’s closer to 60/40 H:A, and it gets more and more lopsided the more you narrow it based on progression or activity.
There are some who were with the alliance who were not busy defending the remnants of Silvermoon. After the event sof WC3, they are a scattered people for a time.
After WC2, King Anasterian pulled the high elves out of the alliance of lordaeron. They never went back to it since then.
I mean…a lot of stuff is retconned, much of it alliance as well.
Forest trolls would never happen simply because of the fact that the blood elf population is always at war with them. hence, darkspear fill that niche in.
As for Ogres, that is a Blizzard question.
They were rejected by the very people they knew and love. So yeah, they became Horde.
Not always. The worgen joined the alliance because of the what Sylvannas had done.
the 53: 47 split is at 120.
Before 120 its 52:48 in favor of alliance.
They already give the Alliance the wildest dreams we could imagine. We got the better end of the Allied race deal and if you can not see that than why are you an allied race?
I play DID because I like dwarves and anyway play all the new races for variety not because they are mechanically superior in any way. For most classes Gnome is best including fury, but even they give up a bit more then a percentage point to the best horde counterparts. Horde races are superior in PvE content between 1 percent and 3 percent depending on what alliance race (or a couple of the suboptimal dps horde races) a player picks. Avoiding an extra phase at times and overall the faster you kill something the more likely your raid group survives. It makes a difference and it’s why all competitive raiders play horde still. If DID or LF were the best race for DPS in competitive rading or mythic plus the top tier players would play Alliance instead of horde. Same with PvP as orc is generally the best race in many cases blood elf cringe is against certain comps with their OP racial. Those in charge want all the talent on the red side and clearly the powers that be want it that way. It isn’t the devs, they answer to ION in the least. ION in particular doesn’t seem to be the type to tolerate a dev going rogue. I can’t tell you where the decision making process starts and ends with, the only thing that is certain is that decision makers want the best talent and the wannabes on the red side.
That’s funny, since they were both a part of the Horde in WC2. You clearly have not played the original games.
No, they weren’t. This literally never happened at all. It was never depicted in any game. What happened was, Sylvie killed Garithos for being a jerk. If she had simply expelled him from the city, none of that would have happened.
This is the kind of thing I meant that the Horde’s lore in terms of what races are in it and why is retconned crap.
That doesn’t change the fact that again, the blood elves were at war with the Amani since the game inception. The Horde of WC2, is also not the same Horde of WC3 which is Thrall’s Horde. Your argument is a disingenuous one.
Besides the fact that the forsaken were constantly at risk of being attacked by the living which is stated in the lore? Besides the fact that in lore, we have several direct comparisons including in BFA, where family members are rejected because they are undead?
The notion that it didn’t happen is a false one Glaive. Garithos dying was for a separate reason.
I play both horde and alliance and Horde have a much better experience in the game than alliance players. Every horde player gets a passive 10% bonus to questing without really having to worry about getting ganked. Every base BFA faction reputation has some cool new mount (not a reskinned horse). Every blizzcon, the dev’s take a shot at the alliance. You can actually do mythic raiding on horde side. Now the horde is getting a much more popular AR, which will definitely help with the faction population problem.
yea, the god of the butt-end of a joke, is still a ‘god’ right?
or the god of afterthoughts? Maybe the god of second rate content. seriously you are whackadoodle or a troll. Especially with your ‘undercover horde player’ conspiracy theories.
I’m inclined to believe this is the case.
“Have mercy” Hilarious. And as someone who’s played Alliance since launch, accurate as well lol
Someone should make a compilation of every time Blizz pokes fun at the Alliance at BlizzCon. It’s been more than a handful of times
well i mean they make themselves easy targets here on the forums with all the whining
Eh, most everyone comes to the forums to whine
I come to the forums mostly to post ideas. I find the whining on both sides annoying/obnoxious. Especially since some of the repeat-whiners are grown adults who should be able to see what is just silly and what is worth talking about.
Bit of a… “subtle” difference.
Horde: “Could you idiots write a better story instead of just rehashing MoP?”
Alliance: “omg a horde killed me in war mode Horde bias HORDE BIAS HORDE BIASSSSSS”
I’ve been happy overall with the storyline for both sides. There is a legitimate issue with faction imbalance for things like endgame raiding and PvP that does need to be addressed. Also, the entire faction “conflict” is tired and stupid at this point, and needs to go away.
I mean if there’s more to whine about, we’ll hear more whining. Is there bias when it comes to pvp? Blizz seems to think so, they teased the Alliance about it last BlizzCon
More of a population imbalance issue more than anything, really. I wouldn’t call that bias
And then ask for any comparable jabs that they’ve ever made at the horde.
… wait, that doesn’t exist.
Let’s see
Fat KT instead of Vrykul
Void Elf instead of High Elf
Dark Iron instead of Wildhammer
Diaper Gnomes instead of Leper Gnome
Lightforged instead of Broken
Tuskarr? Tortollan? Ankoan? Arrakoa?
idk I’ve been playing since Vanilla and consistently playing since BC. In all that time I’ve never seen the Alliance NOT complaining.