Why are all these MM hunters crying about losing their pets?

Because lone wolf and lust for m+ then end … which coukd be easily fixed in solo the pet is fun … un dungeons they alreadg made useless … if they gave the lone wolf back witb pet then 100% would use it… its not that people.dont want ti use thr pet … a lot of players now jist look at the dps stat and juat use that option so basically blizzard dictating how you should use your spec and basiclaly slowly bringing it to their final iteration of oure petless…go back to vanilla and check the specs… survival was pet and traps and fun mobility… mm wassnt that fun … survuval went ranged we were forces into mm and now losing our pets also… so basically if i want a pet i need to blay bm which the ranged component isnt fun at all…



it’s easy.

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  • Poisons have been removed from Subtlety and Outlaw to keep uniqueness for assassination.
  • Subtlety will now use Maces exclusively (BONK), with Outlaw losing the ability to use Maces, to maintain uniqueness between specs.
  • Cloak of Shadows and Vanish are now only for Subtlety to maintain uniqueness.

Changing core identities of classes will make people mad, when there’s no reason to do it.

There’s ZERO reason to restrict our ability to summon our pets. Making it optimal to not use one is fine, making it IMPOSSIBLE to use them is not.

Because it’s a meme spec. When someone asks what the easiest spec to play, every single WoW player in existence responds BM Hunter. It’s essentially a 3-4 button rotation with a few cooldowns that you can’t screw up, and is completely mobile, unlike Marksman which has to stand still like 60%+ of the fight to cast aimed shot.


Answer to this debate.

Play BM if you want pets.


We don’t like having pets taken away that we have collected for up to 20 years. Only to appease a fraction of players who do mythic content and demand lone wolf as a whole spec, rather than a talent. They could just leave the option for MM to use their pets (they are not taking them from Surv after all) OR they could make a 4th Ranger spec and not hijack MM spec out of laziness.


I think you’re misunderstanding the entire point.

No one is taking your pets away. You want pets, play BM.

If YOU choose to play MM, you can’t have pets.

Not a hard concept to understand.

Like, I choose to play rogue. If I hate rogue play style, I’ll have to play something else. Can’t have everything like in life.


You are being condescending and missing the entire point. WE DO NOT WANT TO PLAY OTHER SPECS! We want to play MM and keep our pets. How is that so hard to understand?


I’m just speaking the truth. Sorry.

It’s the way the spec is being designed.

Rogues were changed to stealth play style.

It sucks but if you still want to play the class, you have to adjust.

Good thing is, there’s still BM for you to play if you don’t like MM.

As a rogue, I don’t even have the option.

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No, I and others can bombard Blizzard with complaints like the last couple times they tried to take pets from hunters and get them to reverse it. Or stop subbing and go play some non blizzard game that listens to it’s players. After 20 years of playing, I have a lot invested here and will be furious at them for ruining the game for me.



A little childish I say…but, good luck.

Well, with Blizzards obsession with pirates, it is only a matter of time before all the rogues end up as pirate specs and their original role destroyed, so don’t be so smug about MM hunters losing their pets if you are a rogue.

Not being a smug. Hunter was my first raiding class and I still play it from time to time.

Just being real. I don’t get all the complaint.

Play BM if you want pets. Play MM if you don’t want pets.

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Except for the two pets you’re forced to use, therefore taking away your “no pets” analogy.

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Hm. Not sure what you’re trying to say.

Two pets you’re force to use?

You will have a spotting owl (and to use Trueshoot, you have to talent into things that benefit it), and you have either the Sentinel or Dark Ranger pet.

So every MM will have 2 pets that they have to use.

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No pet UI to control them though so they’re not really pets. But yeah, play what you enjoy.


:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:


No. I want a fun and complex spec that requires more than rolling my face across the keyboard. BM is NOT fun. MM is fun. Just allow us to have our pets still. There is literally no reason why the Eagle isn’t just a cosmetic option.

First talent node:

  1. Harrier - you get the eagle as defined.
  2. Animal Companion - all eagle talents work with your active animal companion. Your pet can no longer use their family or specilization abilities.
  3. Ranger’s Mark - all eagle talents now work on the target of your Hunter’s Mark.

This kerps pets for those who want them (and adds pet interactivity to the class), gives the passive eagle option for those who want it, and keeps the lone wolf no pet at all gameplay for those who want it.


We all want more for our classes too but don’t complain about it. Hunter players are super spoil.

You dislike the new MM changes but refuse to play BM? You want Blizzard to listen to you? How old are you?

:man_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:

I’m leaving the forums.