Why are all forsaken only humans?

No gnomes, dwarves, elves or anyone else? Just humans? Why? What am I not knowing is the reason? Someone please enlighten me :slight_smile:

I think it’s mainly because the playable Forsaken are the former Human inhabitants of Lordaeron.


Don’t worry the sexy undead elves are on their way soon.


Lore wise the Forsaken does have dwarves and some gnomes and even High elves besides Sylvanas. They’re just not as visible. However I think you can at least see the Forsaken gnomes and Forsaken High Elves in pre-plague bomb Undercity.

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There are plenty of forsaken elves, they’re just non-playable.

There are fewer of any other races but…there are.

I remember when the Dark Ranger (female elven) Undead NPC’s were added in Wrath, people were hoping it meant there would be more non-human Forsaken options added.

Ten years later, still waiting. :frowning:

The Lich King (Ner’zhul) devised the original plague to only affect humans. He had a particular goal of eradicating them. Anything else afflicted by it would still become diseased, but only humans killed by it would be raised to undeath enslaved to the Lich King’s will. It successfully obliterated the kingdom of Lordaeron. Other races were farther away to the south.

Later on Illidan attacked the Frozen Throne and cracked it. This caused the Lich King’s power to start failing and he lost control over many of the Lordaeron Scourge. Those former humans regained their free will and became the forsaken we have today.

There are some elves within the forsaken. But any other undead races within them were raised separately by necromancy, not the plague. That’s why the forsaken are dominantly humans.

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Maintaining your mind and free will in Undeath is a task that requires a strong will. The Human Potential™ gives Humans the edge they need to be the kings of free undeath.

You bring up an interesting point, and you know what, I don’t know.



It also affected Horses though.

You can feel how much Humans and Horses are connected just like that. Ner’zhul makes a plague to undeadify Humans, it also undeadifies Horses lol

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The lich king didn’t care about any of the other races because Humans are the only race that could stop him.

All of the other races would just run away to their holes or die from his withering glance. Humans he knew, could defeat him.

Don’t get me started on elves, he took on their best and their not so best (like Sylvanas) and whupped them all.

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We have standards.


Most of them are human because that’s where Arthas started first. The entire kingdom of Lordaeron and it’s surrounding areas were destroyed.

The next biggest population of Forsaken are elves, mostly those from Quel’thalas that fell to Arthas as well. Since the scourge attacks happened in the Eastern Kingdoms, it’s really humans and elves that make up the population.

We can only play as undead humans because that’s the biggest group, but with allied races maybe one day we’ll be able to be undead elves, or undead humans with elbows.

They should have carried on what the Forsaken were from Warcraft 3: Units posessed by Banshees. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you could have a racial “Possess new host” and use it to change bodies to other humanoids. Like you’d start off as a ghoul, but could then possess a gnoll or something.

But that’s way too ambitious, so I would have never expected them to do as much. It is a shame, though, that so much from Warcraft 3 was changed in the conversion to World of Warcraft.

Plague affected humans only.